Poverty is rampant in the body of the bug world, malignant disease and end up killing, kills and hits the poor and homeless every human being on the face of the earth. Despite all estimates and indicators and solutions that have been developed through expert poverty is still widespread, despite what the world enjoyed the bounties of spread from north to south and from east to west.
The causes of poverty
That poverty is the result of unequal opportunities, and to differentiate between people in rights and duties; for example, there are people who have more rights in exchange for more commitments, poverty is also a result of the geographical racism, human and racism; the sense that there is a region in the country is distinguished from the other in the care of and services Enjoy it, and another province does not have any interest in the service, which is also not commensurate with the importance of the region and size.
The reason for the imbalance between the regions to the authorities, which holds the government was only interested in staying in power; they lose a sense of the other, as if the head of state gives (injection Bing) to Akhaddrha losing a sense of the other, and tend education in the Arab world today to self and selfishness; they raised the lack of a sense of the other, but they and their children, and consider the remaining insects or objects of God Almighty chosen to serve them, and the longer (right Excellence) is our main concern.
Feel free many phrases on the lips of some people who were of the world, and I'm elegance, I am educated with knowledge; and this is a delusion, but some call it self-confidence, and this misconception because the ferry owner lost the sense of the other, do not know anything but himself and his interests, and the breeding of non-Islamic. Many are demanding the Arab sense of human animals !! How can feel their sense of a lost brother man.
I learned to work and do thou attend whole marriage, not this phrase frequency !! It is not important to you, but it is important that the children selves works; they only trustworthy !!, so they Vakedon of sense, and who has a sense of the other important learning religion and law and knowledge, not fit for the administration of justice, and achieve the goals of the nation in the administration of justice; because the Justice basis of governance, and in the Arab world underdevelopment is the basis of the judgment. Are you, O ruler live in an ivory tower? And shut yourself from others like the rest of the men responsible governance and the judiciary, ministers, and do not want to feel a sense of the people, but only in theory? !!.
As shown above, the real reason for the sweep of world poverty, in Prices are increasing, and jobs in the faded, and all this is due to the lack of application by the officials; they poet who sings Bhabibth without realizing that he killed her and unjustly neglected !!
What is the solution?
Maybe you can not solve this problem, or do not wish to be resolved to establish a balance between the classes in society, and to kill poverty. Honestly said if poverty was a man who would have killed him; we are not against the rich, but we build statues to them and to their memory, but their concern for the poor it in their favor, and they fight this poverty, and not be the goal of power and the rich that unequal, and that the spread of poverty and chaos, concern for the poor and humanitarian and moral duty to everyone.