الأربعاء، 31 يوليو 2013



نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Marketing‬‏

Not marketing something specialty schools science trade alone, and it touches every life of every human being, each of us is a member of the community movement Marketing, Vcra sale and to see commercials on TV g in newspapers, posters streets is an example of that, and all of us visiting stores many deal with it and compares prices at other prices, and deals with different vendors, and buy some goods other local and foreign, business and the exercise of these human plays an important role in the marketing system, and then knew nothing about this system. 
In spite of the exercise of rights to certain marketing actions and participation in the marketing system, it may not realize it, and may not understand the meaning of the word and do not place marketing and its importance in his life, and how to manage marketing activities. 
No longer a problem today's world factory to produce the product, but the problem has become, "How can this be able to factory marketed" 
He did not succeed in marketing definitely closed its doors, and the problem is productive in the past, but now survive in the market is mainly based on the study of the needs of the consumer and provided him with the required specifications and in the right time and place and at a price that is estimated to bear. 

Chapter One: what marketing 
First: the origins and evolution of the concept of marketing 
The traditional concept of marketing: 
Marketing is a set of activities aimed at facilitating human exchanges, has put "Kotler Cotler" This concept, which is still the most common, and this concept includes the following: 
- The marketing of human activity, unlike other activities such as consumption and production. 
- The marketing aimed at facilitating the exchange process, both were exchange for a single transaction, or to make different exchanges. 
- The exchange is not limited only to the goods and it includes services as well, and may be the initiative in the exchange process by the buyer when it come down to the markets looking for a commodity, as it may be by the seller which has come down to the markets, looking for buyers for his goods; and on this, the exchange requires : 
• the parties wish each other in an exchange. 
• Both sides have things of value from the perspective of the other party. 
• Each of the two parties unable to make contact and deliver what it has. 
Stages of the evolution of the concept of marketing: 
The current sense marketing relatively modern upbringing, emphasizes both "Robert King and Jeroen Meckarta" that the administration in the economic institutions did not know the concept of marketing, but in the fifties, where he was the perception before that is the concept of selling, and sees "Robert King" that the concept of Marketing has evolved over the following three phases: 
1 - routing production phase (1900-1930): 
And where was the problem of production is the focus of concern of management in the organization, and not the definition of production faces any difficulty because the market were not saturated, and so it was the focus at this stage saturation quantification of needs, and that the issues of quality or quality of production was the initiative of the architects of production, and characterized this stage after the intervention salesmen in the production issues and limiting their job to convince the consumer that what is produced to satisfy your need. 
2 - the stage direction for Sale (1930-1950): 
Where production increased at high rates thanks to the introduction of scientific management methods in the projects and its economy characterize production great, and then there was a need for a distribution system is able to discharge this production, and increased attention to the function of sales, but the philosophy of sales has not changed grew the use of advertising, and appeared marketing research to provide Enterprise Manager marketing information needed to rationalize their decisions regarding production, storage and distribution, etc.. 
3 - stage direction concept catalog (from 1950 to today): 
And the adopted management in the enterprise productivity a new philosophy in production concept "is easier to manufacture what he loves the consumer to buy from trying to sell what he loves the product to make," and has characterized this stage as fast as in the creation of products new to keep pace with rapidly changing consumer tastes, and increased the intensity of competition In order to attract consumers and gain their satisfaction. And has helped the development of this concept many factors, technological, economic and social. 
The modern concept of marketing: 
Administrative work on strategic planning for the project and directed efforts and controls used in non-profit programs of the organization, and satisfy the needs of consumers, which includes work to unite all the organization's activities (including production, finance and sales) in a unified system. 
This concept is based on the eight elements: 
1 - appreciation and understanding of the Center's strategic role in the consumer relates to the survival of the company and its growth and stability. 
2 - Administration conscious awareness of the impact of decisions taken in a specific section on the other sections and the overall balance of the company's system with surrounding systems. 
3 - management attention to creating products that are designed in light of the specific role is to contribute to solving the problems of certain purchasing power among consumers. 
4 - management attention to the effects of the introduction of new products on the Company's profit in the present and the future, and aware of the positive results that would result from the scientific planning for new products, in terms of earnings growth and ensure stability. 
5 - general appreciation of the role of marketing research, and research units from other facts outside the traditional scope of that research. 
6 - the work of all departments of the organization through a network of targets, in the sense of a permanent effort in all sectors of the company geared toward specific targets on the company level, and sections be understood and accepted by managers at various levels. 
7 - formal planning long-and short-term objectives of the project plans, strategies and results in a specific coordinated effort in the functional sectors of the company. 
8 - the creation or expansion of the cancellation and the reorganization of the company's departments as warranted in the light of the mobilization and utilization and total control on the device for the company towards solving the problems of selected consumer. 
And requires assessment of the modern concept of marketing the availability of several basic requirements are: 
A - be oriented marketing is the basic philosophy of the project. 
B - to design the organizational structure of the facility in accordance with this concept. 
C - Planning Organizer. 
D - planning and product development. 
E - marketing research. 
And - emphasize the importance of advertising and promotion. 
N - Pricing 
H - distribution outlets. 
I - to act on the basis that the consumer is Mr.. 
It also can be given to other definitions, among them this definition of marketing: 
The most widely accepted definitions is that provided by the American Marketing Association, which states: "Marketing is the implementation of the various activities of the project, which aims to direct the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer or user." 
And economic know BARTELS marketing that the process of economic, social and cultural aim to meet the needs of consumers for products and services are acceptable and affordable. 
And has been the American General Electric Company first called to take the concept of marketing in the modern sense in 1956, and since that time large companies applied this concept rather than the concept of the sale, which was to have prevailed. 

The difference between the concepts of sales and marketing: 
The difference can be shown in the following points: 
1 - Career perception: 
The concept of selling on the idea of ​​finding ways and methods that can be institution of drainage products accumulated to it, while the concept of marketing the idea of ​​finding ways to avoid the institution phenomenon of accumulation products, here it is selling the concept of a therapeutic, while marketing is considered the concept of precaution. 
2 - Find Profit: 
The ability to make a profit better quantitative measures in place to judge the success or failure of economic institutions, and then is to make a profit common element between sales and marketing, but the difference between them lies in how, while realized profit in the concept of selling through increasing the volume of Sales, marketing seeks to make a profit through the satisfaction of the consumer, which ensures the continuity or the loyalty of the commodity and consumer willingness to pay for it. 
3 - Location of the institution's activities: 
The traditional concept of sales which limits its role to discharge production, makes the selling activity following production activity and stops him narrow and wider, and the modern concept of marketing, including the promise of marketing research, design research and the study of consumer behavior and transport and storage processes make marketing activity precedes Activity production and followed as well. 
4 - Focus: 
Based interest in selling techniques customer's payment for the replacement of his money, including the insured goods, while the focus of the marketing strategies developed based on the finding as it desires consumer goods and services, and the sale focuses on the needs of the seller reverse marketing, which focuses on the needs of the consumer , and finally, the main busy institution under the concept of selling is the commodity needs to convert to cash, while busy primary marketing lies in consumer satisfaction, not only by Item provided by him, but also to the accompanying services. 
5 - Integration and individually efforts: 
Associated with the concept of selling phase freed enterprise functionality, and the rule of the idea of ​​primacy of the production function to the rest of the different functions in the organization, and the concept of marketing, it falls within the foreseeable complementary to the activities of the institution different from funding the production and supply, and that is all the activities of the institution in the same level of importance for achieving objectives. 
Finally, the concept of selling has been associated in the inception and evolution of the conduct of the physical product, but it includes marketing reveal what the consumer wants goods and services, and work to meet the satisfaction of the consumer. 
Second: marketing goals: 
Intended objectives of marketing the final results desired by the institution in achieved through the activity of the marketing department, there is a consensus among economists and managers that the institution economic differences nature three strategic objectives involved in achieving the various activities of the institutions, and these goals are: profit, growth, survival. 
-I profit target: 
At the forefront of the objectives of Economic Corporation and then they are trying to maximize their profits, but the freedom of establishment, in fact bitter specific in this area, as there are restrictions preclude the possibility of making a profit greatest Ktserfat competitors and government controls over prices, and legislation, tax, and as well as it becomes the institution should seek to make a profit optimally and this profit achievable and that guarantees income acceptable (higher than the interest rate in the financial market) to shareholders in Capital Corporation, also provide the institution with a surplus Negotiable Investment and which achieves its growth target required in the long term, how verification and marketing function so much profit?? 
I-1-marketing role in achieving profit: 
Some business and management to make a profit is the responsibility of the marketing department is a misconception because the outcome of concerted efforts of various departments and units of the institution, [Profit = Revenue - Cost], فالتكلفة consists of many elements produced from the activities of all sections of the institution, and therefore the role of Marketing is to achieve profitable volume of sales (by creating new marketing opportunities, search for profitable market sectors, encourage the search for new items, etc..) 
I-2-relationship profit profitability Foundation: 
The absolute value of the profit does not give Surat real for-profit institution, Achieving annual profit of $ 10 million may be considered index success for a small institution كورشة carpentry, for example, while a step towards bankruptcy for a large organization as the production of cars, for example, but is considered profit a true reflection of the profit institution must not be attributed to all of its assets, and is the so-called [the rate of return on capital = net profit / total assets, which measures the amount of profit resulting from each dinars of investment, if the interest rate prevailing in the financial market is 8% the amount of profit that the institution achieved even said to be working on acceptable terms of profitability is the one that makes the rate of return on investment greater than (> 8%). 
I-3-marketing role in increasing the rate of return on investment: 
Shows the role of marketing in increasing the rate of return on investment by improving both the rate of profit and turnover rate, considering that: 
[Turnover rate on investment = net profit / mg of assets] 
= Net Profit / Sales [x] sales / mg of assets] 
Turnover on the investment profit rate = x turnover rate 
Where it is the institution that focuses on sales and cost of sales together, because it allows them to achieve the increase in the rate of profit in two ways: 
- Either to increase sales to a greater extent than the cost. 
- Or reduce the cost to a greater extent than sales. 
And even marketing management can contribute effectively to increase the rate of return on investment, it is necessary to be familiar with all the elements contributing to the composition and taken into account. 
The rate of profit = net profit / sales 
Rate of return on investment 
Turnover = sales / mg assets 
So that: 
The rate of profit = net profit / sales = sales - operating costs / sales 
= [Sales - (cost of goods sold, cost of sales + administrative costs)] / Sales 

Ⅱ - growth target: 
Marketing contributes to achieve the goal of growth through expansion by increasing the volume of sales that comes up the company's share of the market size or the invasion of new markets, and the most important growth drivers: 
Ⅱ -1 - increased demand for production: 
Where the Foundation is working to expand its productive base, any increase in the number of sections and units and is the so-called internal growth. 
Ⅱ -2 - increase the intensity of competition: 
Leading the company to make new investments and the consequent increase in fixed cost. 
Ⅲ - the goal of survival: 
The survival of the institution and the continuation of its activity in the market a prime target involved in doing all departments and units of the institution, and the marketing activity play a vital role to achieve, and to be marketing management that recognizes this fact and convinced them, and then, it enables them to contribute effectively in achieving the continuity of the organization through doing the following posts: 
Ⅲ -1 - constantly search new marketing opportunities: 
Whether to increase the space occupied by the institution in the existing market or invade new markets or shift to Daat marketing more profitable. 
Ⅲ -2 - the need to organize and develop marketing information systems: 
Any collection and treatment system and identify the information form, which allows it to provide the senior management in the enterprise market information in a timely manner, so you can make good decisions in all areas of activity. 

Chapter II: the general framework of marketing: 
First: Marketing Management Regulatory 
Ⅰ - the structural organization of the function: 
And intended to develop an organizational structure to it, and it divided into several sections and interests, and define the responsibilities and functions of each, and as well as determine the qualifications of the people who perform these functions and responsibilities, as you should know the nature of marketing activity, it is more art than science, But this does not mean that it is not based on scientific rules, but these rules are not sufficient to solve the problem of sales due to the fact that most of these problems stem from the actions of individuals which are not always to behaviors logical subject of scientific explanation. 
Was influenced by a certain someone announcement about a product, and accepts to buy it and at the same time is not affected by another person, institution may resort to price reduction to increase sales Vtfaji the بانخفاضها This reverse economic laws. 
Ⅰ -1 - the importance of the marketing department: 
Occupies the marketing department a prominent place in the organizational structure of the institution economic, and due to their need increasing to undertake studies and market analysis, and knowledge of reactions of customers and competitors ... and growing interest in the management of marketing the larger the organization, and increased production, and expanded its market, and has overseen some of their own institutions to regulate and control the sales or distribution process is assigned to specialized institutions, and choose between two methods depends on several factors, including: the ability of the Corporation's financial, organizational capacity and production volume, variety, and the size of the number of customers ... and so on. And can highlight the importance of marketing through the following criteria: 
- Percentage distribution costs: In spite of the difficulty of accurately estimating distribution costs, but many studies have shown that they do not in most cases less than 25% of the sales price when consumption, and this percentage may reach in some cases to 100% and more of the sales price When production. 
- The volume of employment: We have increased the proportion of workers in the field of distribution increased significantly, which has doubled the number of unemployed in the area twice in the production and. M. A, while the number doubled in the distribution 12 times during the same period. 
- The difficulty of reducing the costs of distribution: has resulted in the expansion of the use of automated production methods to reduce production costs in half, and in some industries to one-third, while distribution costs have not fallen by the same percentage. 

Ⅰ -2 - Factors to be taken into account in the organization of the marketing department: 
Marketing management system differs from one institution to another according to several factors, including: 
1 - nature of the institution: 
In the case of whether productive or commercial guardian may be able to do without the marketing department attribution of product marketing for specialized bodies while marketing management is for a commercial hub of activity. 
2 - the size of the enterprise: 
IFC may not need small independent management of marketing, and only collects several activities or functions in one department or one interest. 
3 - The size and diversity of production of goods which they deal and as well as the types of institution to industrial goods and consumer goods. 
4 - the size and the number of markets in which they are distributed enterprise produced local, regional, or external. 
5 - marketing policies: credit as policies, pricing and delivery. 
Ⅱ - Marketing Management Relations other departments: 
The effective cooperation between the departments of the company, is one of the key factors in its success, and the following statement of the nature of the relations which must be linked to the marketing department of the most important departments in the enterprise: 
Ⅱ -1 - Production Management: 
If the management function of production is the production of what is needed and requested by the consumer, the task of determining required by the consumer rests with the management of the institution that they must be informed in a timely manner the management of production, even programmed or modify production processes consistent and desires of the consumer in the product, and then the need for a permanent correlation between the two departments, different and a way to link them from one institution to another, in small enterprises be a direct relationship between them, while arise in large enterprise private offices mission linkage between the various departments of the institution. 
Ⅱ -2 - Purchasing Department: 
Often prefer this administration in large enterprise productivity and be a close correlation between them, they are responsible for buying all production requirements, but for the business enterprise procurement management occupies a place in the enterprise production management productivity, so it is a close correlation between them. 

Ⅱ -3 - Financial Management: 
Due to the need of sales to capital urgently, it is imperative for policy sales followed by the marketing department regarding the granting of credit and setting prices that are consistent with the financial situation of the institution, there is no conceivable, for example, the marketing department to conclude contracts for the sale at the expense of order at the time complaining about the institution scarcity of liquidity. 
Ⅱ -4 - Export Management: 
The different trade conditions Interior Foreign resulted in most of the major institutions that aspire to conquer foreign markets to separate the marketing department for the management of export, which is concerned with the first in the promotion and distribution of products at the level of the internal market, while concerned with the second in the creation of appropriate conditions for the invasion of enterprise products to foreign markets , and stops the separation of the two departments over the interesting institution foreign markets, and the amount and frequency export operations carried out may be the export operations of specialty marketing departments in the enterprise, small and in this case must be the sales manager has extensive experience in all conditions of internal and external trade. 
Ⅲ - the scientific basis for the organization and management of marketing: 
A - the traditional form: 

B - the modern form: 
The aim of this structure is to connect individuals, resources and activities at the facility in the unified entity oriented to satisfy consumer needs while achieving an adequate return, which requires the presence of Director of Marketing at the top of the hierarchy so that it can participate in making key decisions and affect the policies and plans established . 
These forms in addition to the form of pro presented Kotler and according to the degree of control the marketing concept on both of them. 

Marketing company: 
Where this figure shows that the marketing department alone is the basic tool, and that all other functions are in marketing, and integrates with him and for his service employs. There are other factors that must be taken into account in the design of the organizational structure of the Department of Marketing: 

A - by type of item sold: where each commodity specialty interest in the case of multiple goods producer. 
B - according to the type of clients and customers process: 

C - by geographical regions: m. East, central, west, and south. 
D - according to Jobs: 
Marketing Management 

Marketing research department sales, transportation and freight sorting and packing adjustment services 

The second topic: the study of Goods 
Study looks goods marketing perspective two issues, the first relating to the classification of goods to groups involved in marketing their properties, and the second related to knowledge of the life cycle of the product, and the end of all this knowledge of the properties of each commodity and marketing as well as in every stage of their life cycle even managed to be taken into consideration in policy-making for the effective marketing of goods. 
Ⅰ - the classification of goods: 
Classified by the way they bought Item (who bought, how and where, the quantities purchased and the number of times the purchase and the factors that affect the choice), as well as the nature of the item. And generally can be classified to: 
Ⅰ -1 - FMCG: 
And are purchased by the final consumer to satisfy his needs, and are classified into three main categories: 
A - soft goods category: it is purchased by the consumer from the nearest shops quickly and without marketing or advance planning, and is divided into commodities module, which is characterized by a high rate of repeat purchase. 
B - category items marketing: it is which make consumer and time or effort in the comparison between the varieties available including by selected or purchased, and is characterized by high unit price and either follow them desire a private consumer considers to be of great importance. 
C - Goods class: It means when some new goods that need to be large promotional efforts to create a general request it, and when some are catering to the wishes of a limited number of consumers. 
Ⅰ -2 - industrial goods: 
Is purchased for use in the production of other goods and are divided into: 
A - goods that enter directly in the product such as raw materials and semi-finished materials. 
B - goods that do not fall directly into the final product and in turn are divided into two categories: 
B.1 - capital goods: it is that Thtlk in the production cycle is one كالآلات and equipment. 
B.2 - operational goods: such as fuel, oil and lubricants. 
Marketing characteristics of industrial goods: 
• motivated Rashadh purchase, where buyers take into account Kdrnha to reduce production costs reverse psychological considerations involved in determining the decision to buy consumer goods. 
• Direct Purchase: sold directly from the producer to the consumer. 
• weakness recurrence rate of purchase. 
• concentration and the concentration of the market, where stationed in industrial areas. 
• Swaps Almaamla, where you buy from the producer who buys them in turn. 
• derived demand, where the demand for them is subject to the demand for consumer goods that interfere with the production. 
• The possibility of lease, where it can be leased rather than sold. 
Ⅱ - Item life cycle: 
Each product's life cycle consists of specific phases with different market conditions and begin the life of any commodity from the time they are submitted to the market, but before that transition that require innovation studies include three steps: 

1 - the creation of new ideas, goods (found) where the R & D department. 
2 - Examination of goods possible (selected) 
3 - Evaluation of selected commodities through: 
3-1 - entrance to the break-even point: where the company is trying to determine the amount of sales that begin with them in achieving profits, Vtakhtar those that enable them to reach a point equivalent to the lowest amount of sales. 
3-2 - the entrance to the current value: and where the company calculates the total production cost item over all of their life cycle, as well as the expense of income from the sales of the entire session and choose the product that achieved the biggest difference. 
Ⅱ -1 - life stages Goods: 
A - the stage of submission: 
And is characterized by weak sales volume, lack of POS, sufficient product to provide a single model or a small number of models Item lack of clarity segments of the market at this stage, the focus in the campaign advertising the commodity character Induction any definition of the consumer by, pursuing one of the two policies Sareeten either policy of low price or the high price policy. 
B - the growth stage: 
And where consumers may be know on the item and increased spread in the market and are characterized by: 
- Improvements on the item in order to avoid the weaknesses discovered in the rendering stage. 
- The entry of new producers as well as Item production and thus increase competition. 
- Transition institution from induction publicity to publicity competitive. 
- The growth of the sales volume will be at increasing rates. 
- Find a new distribution outlets to occupy the largest part of the market. 
C - maturity: 
Starting from the time that it becomes a sales increase at a decreasing rate, and considered this is the longest stage in the life cycle of the product and are characterized by: 
- Increase the intensity of competition and market saturation (width> request) 
- The high cost of marketing and low prices to the nature of the reminder. 
- Often some institutions are trying to develop some aspects of the item to determine the life cycle. 

D - the stage of decline or extinction: 
Begins when the lawless sales growth rate and thus the sales volume tends to decrease significantly and continuously, and this phase are generally characterized by: 
- Reduce or cancel the promotion budget substantially to reverberate weakness in this stage. 
- Adopting a low price policy as a major means to reduce the severe decline in sales volume. 
- Withdrawal of the institution and POS markets with limited effectiveness to reduce marketing expenses. 


After we listed the various marketing concepts used and well used in the field of marketing, we can say that activity kinesthetic and creative and full of highly competitive, and is an important part of the daily life of every one of us whatever age and education and income, and his job, but not limited activity catalog workers in the enterprise marketing management, but everyone involved in these activities, they receive and practice it and deal with it. 
And we can say that we live in the era of marketing, it makes the economy, and the economy makes policy, and policy identifies features a picture of this era and its future.

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