الأربعاء، 5 مارس 2014



نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Education‬‏

Educational administration
Called on the times in which we live today era administration, because the administration is the foundation stone for the construction of any society to offer, which is behind all the success achieved by any activity, or discovery or service, and management is that explain the mysteries of progress or failure of any society. Successful administration is seeking to avoid waste, chaos, and confusion, and working with all the effort and energy efficient use of human and material resources, to achieve the goals of the administration published.

Administration occupies a prominent place in the life of human societies, and because of its own immense benefits to the community, it is through the management is evolving society and keep pace with the times variables, administration is mobilizing the energies and capabilities, capacity and urge them to creativity and innovation, especially since the times in which we live has become a era of revolution of knowledge, and the revolution technology and communications revolution, and can not be dealt with only through effective management.

There are various administrative functions and processes, to include, planning, organization, coordination, monitoring and evaluation, and guidance. Planning is the basis of other processes, it is the process of organizational compatibility, far from improvisation, and spontaneity, as define the objectives, and the steps to get to achieve the desired objectives highly coordinated and in light of the potential, and planning work on the time-saving effort, and make a change and development required, as it ensures that reduce errors .

Educational administration as a branch of the administration branches have become a necessity and an urgent need in contemporary society, administration sound, effective and safe is an essential condition of the good education, which is working to raise the level of performance, and help business success and mastery, and raises the morale of the employees of the institution, and increase their productivity, and unite their efforts in order to achieve the desired educational goals.

Administrative functions and is considered the basic components of the administrative process in its various dimensions and levels, the primary purpose of the administration is to achieve certain goals through the implementation of the business through other individuals, and management is responsible for achieving the best results through less human effort.

As was planning a basic functions of administrative process has been increasing importance of educational planning day after day because it represents the most important areas of national planning, it is the development of human resources through the move and refine and drafting capabilities, skills and knowledge and trends in human resources in the aspects of practical and scientific, technical and behavioral-based that man is the foundation of economic and social progress, and educational planning work on the reorganization of education ideology and philosophy to adjust the track, and raise their response to cope with the comprehensive and integrated development.

The importance of educational planning in that the first basic function that precedes all educational processes and functions, and the base is a basic planning and logic, as he described the way for Landmark and the exact path of the educational work. Tool that helps to bridge the gap between reality and is expected, and between the present and the future in a scientific manner. Planning also achieves not fall into the error or deviation from the set objectives, and helps to reduce the cost and effort, and to reduce the proportion of waste in resources and services. The planning work to develop goals by priority and importance in terms of the arrangement and precedence for implementation.

And the achievement of educational planning goals can only be Ptzafar efforts and cooperation of many devices and a lot of bodies, especially if planning on a national level. This is because the organization is planning multiple efforts that are intended to achieve a particular goal, and jointly implemented by officials concerned in multiple views at different levels

It became a way orderly process and continuing being planned whereby inventory of resources available material and human, financial, and assess the needs of the community in the light of these resources, and then determine how to exploit so as to achieve the desired goals in the shortest time and at the lowest cost and minimal loss, not planning a trend static satisfy the current situation and trying to It is a dynamic reform aims to change the image that is formed by the community and its features.

There is no brighter tomorrow without planning, and there is no better plan for the future, and the success of the plan depends on the extent of the involvement of people in the developed and in the criticism and in their implementation, and the difference between a successful plan and other troubled a people's participation both in the preparation or implementation. Planning and conduct prompt includes the concept of growth meant no automatic or natural growth, which allows natural changes or developments which depends on conditioning system according to these changes or natural developments.
Management is very important in our lives where he was on the times we live in now, the era of the administration, as the administration pillar everything from the state, institution or even a family, when there is no administration and particularly successful there will be chaos and problems in addition to the disorder, and the successful management of measured on what has been invested from properly through the administrative work and what is the return on that of Aijaat whether these pros improvement certain quality or workflow regularly or even achieving material gains, and the successful management in general are described and illustrate the effective and proper use in the effort and energy of material resources and human available.

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