السبت، 15 فبراير 2014


عدة يأتي Admama الألوان والمواد جميلة الرجال غوتشي Aldajh لون مألوفة وأخرى غريبة عن عالم الرجال. على الرغم من تنوع التخفيضات وخطوط، لكنه يتناول الشباب عموما مع كائنات رشيقة، وخاصة على الجانب بدلات الستين التي تشمل سراويل ضيقة وسترات قصيرة تذكرنا عصر البيتلز الإنجليزية. يمكن أن المذكرة أيضا نخفف روح البوهيمي التمرد في العديد من القطع، وخصوصا سراويل منخفضة الخصر من الساتان والنقوش الأخرى التي تلتصق على الجسم، وكذلك البلوفرات الخفيفة جدا، والتي تقترب كثيرا من القمصان. وقد برع البيت تصميم فريدا جيانيني فريدا جيانيني في توفير سترات السفاري والملابس الكوكتيلات المستوحاة من الزي المدارس للطلاب مع الكثير من القطع فضفاضة التي تشكل العداء قطعة جميلة تناسب ضيق في تركيبة مواعيد الرحلات وعطلات نهاية الأسبوع. أما بالنسبة للألوان، فإنه لا يعرف حدودا، ولها تدرجات لطيف كبير منهم الأحمر الرماني والفيروز، والبنفسجي والأزرق الدوري الأوكراني البابوي والزيتون الأخضر مع ألوان محايدة مثل البني النقي الإبل اللون والأزرق الداكن. أيضا تكييفها مواد مصممة الخفيفة والثقيلة، وركزت على القطن القطن بالنعاس والبوبلين وغسلها Alcanvas الحرير الأقمشة العسكرية ولكن نسخا أقل وزنا وأكثر مرونة. 

من حيث الاكسسوارات وشملت مجموعة الأحذية ذات الكعب المسطح (شقة) مصنوعة من جلود التماسيح والكوبرا من الكتان والماعز والشامواه Alcanvas جنبا إلى جنب مع الصنادل الصيفية الخفيفة. كانت أكياس كبيرة الحجم ومناسبة لمواعيد الرحلات والعمل في نفس الوقت لأنها يمكن أن تستوعب جهاز كمبيوتر محمول والمحمول وغيرها من الاحتياجات للرجل العصري. ظهرت أيضا منحوتة عباءة الحريري باعتبارها جزءا لا يتجزأ من وجهة نظر بالإضافة إلى النظارات الشمسية السوداء والخشب الرمادي اللون ومامبو النقي. 

كيف تختار عطرك 

كيف يمكنني أن أجد العطرية الخاصة بك؟ يتردد هذا السؤال على كل من آذاننا، لأنه من الصعب أن تختار العطر الذي يميز كل امرأة. لذلك، ونتطلع إلى الخطوات التالية التي تساعدك في اختيار عطرك. 
مستوحاة من أزياء 
إذا كنت تشعر بأنك Fgarin على الأفكار أو الإلهام، لا تتردد في زيارة بعض من رموز الموضة، أو قراءة مجلات الموضة، وذلك للإطلاع على أحدث العطور التي صدرت في الأسواق، وتحقق من المكونات، وتوجهي إلى متجر بيع العطور وGerbhe. انها وسيلة مثالية لاستكشاف العطور الكمال، وشرائه على الفور. 
اختيار ما يناسب شخصيتك 
اختيار العطر، وفقا لشخصيتك، لأنه هو السبيل الأمثل لاستكشاف الإعدادات. على سبيل المثال: النساء ربما سيختار Alkhjulat العطور الناعمة، في حين أن أولئك الذين يتمتعون بشخصية قوية، سوف تختار العطور التي تفوح منها رائحة لافتة، لذلك Eetmazn. وبالتالي، فإن العطر الذي يعكس شخصيتك، والتي تمنحك الراحة. 
المكونات الفكرية 
التركيز على المكونات التي تحبينها كثيرا. إذا كنت Tahqin الفانيليا والزهور والخزامى والبرغموت، ثم نوصي تذهب إلى عطر الزهور والضوء، ولكن إذا كانت لينة الصيف يجذب الناس لك، فإنك على الأرجح Stqaan في الحب مع رائحة الماء. 
من المهم جدا أن تتحلى بالصبر وعدم التسرع، لأن العطر أولا الشراء، والتي يضعف إعجابك، قد تجعلك Tendmin بعد يومين أو ثلاثة أيام. بدلا من ذلك، قم بزيارة الكثير من المتاجر التي تبيع مستحضرات التجميل، Astahba أحد أصدقائك، في سعيكم للعثور على العطور المميزة. أتران يمكن اختيار متميز، بالنسبة لك، والحصول على عينات منها. بعد ذلك، اطلب من رأي صديقتك، وليس هناك شك في أنه سوف تساعدك كثيرا.

Romantic life among the stars

Romantic life among the stars

The stars of the stories and opinions in love in men, which differ between the star and the other, on the basis of their expertise and experiences and their relationship to men who have gone through in their lives. Because the actors and actresses always repeating that they can not live without love, love, and how they are star at the age of forty and whether they apply label «forty ignorant? ? Love on the occasion of Eid, we raised this question to a number of the stars of the answers and we came back the following:
Mayada: Do not fall in love easily
Mayada see through their own experience that there are several aspects of love and says: «Love tender but not limited to the love of women to men only, it is a comprehensive and affects all people and all that surrounds us in order to feel the warmth of the interior and self-confidence». Mayada but love for men was limited to only two of the trials, where it says: «I« endowed and Athpet », the first time when I was small, and the second time when I was in the thirties stage and I was married to a man who loved».
Mayada denies the existence of love in her life at this point, and adds: «At the moment, I love only myself, because I did not love it but I'm not the adequacy of narcissism. When I meet the right person will not reject it because they did years of the universe, with that love is difficult not to fall in love easily. I want a man in every sense of the word, compassionate and honest and afraid to Mayada man to her feelings ».
Mayada also confirmed she loved her husband very much and said: «After the divorce, we became friends. When a marriage reaches a dead end, it is best to pull the iPod and kindness. I am a woman I do not like the problems and discomfort because this situation affects the technician and my prime. This has nothing to give birth in divorce, as they say, but we had a child and the project «claimed». It's post, and I believe in fatalism ».

Samira Said: I love the forty
Samira Said the few artists who Ijahrn Bamrhen real, they are in the 56, which confirms the high level of confidence in itself, where it says: «It is impossible to small and young human remains every age, but it is important that maintains its shape and adoption pattern moderate life and follow the system healthy diet, exercise and be balanced in normal life. Age is just a number for me, so I do not care as much as I am to my attention that my work is good and look good, and my health is good ».
Collect all the artists that they can not live without love, is it just? Samira Said answer: «any human being can not live without love, and spent his life only dim. Love gives us a sense of vitality and energy in order to continue and Ntjadded and communicate with people. He does not live without love someone who lives in the desert where there is no greenery. »
The difference between love at an early age and love in a mature age and love the sweetest she experienced in her life, says Samira Said: «Every new experience interference love where women think they are the sweetest and most beautiful, and they find the person who can not do without it in one day, but when you move away a little and watch things from afar, you discover not only that what they were saying, and you think it is not true, but also to be selected in the foundation was misplaced, because the requirements have changed and thinking change and become more understanding and awareness and knowledge of what you want and the man who understands and agrees with him more than that. I think that the more advanced age of the women in the more options become «balanced» more ».
Is Samira Said believes that ignorant about the customary forty men, is also widespread among women, Samira Said answer: «psychologically, when you reach the age of forty men feel that he came to a crossroads, and he wants to enjoy his life and there are things misses. He said he feels he began to enter into a difficult phase, and that old before, so we find that some people, men and women, when they reach the age of forty «Petkhaddoa» and live in a state of fear, while fluent in coexistence with the old, whatever his number, and the person Trucial with himself, and who knows that there are different things in nature, both physically and formally, it is the old and accept these changes in a positive ». Do you want to Samira Said in the session, and the answer: «Of course I love! », But, in turn, refused to recognize whether that love is the most beautiful thing in her life

  Forty is the most mature in the lives of women age, they might exceeded young adulthood and gained all the experiences and expertise, and therefore I consider two fifties and forties in the woman's age is the best feeling of mind with this model to be the most beautiful whenever she was younger ».
«Everyone has a 3 ages, the real age, and the age at which people can see through it, and the people that live and who sees himself through it. Sometimes, it can be that man live his life is larger than real life, and vice versa. I feel that I have today is smaller than the true ten year years, but I will not mention how much of my life ».
  Love that combines passion and forty-mind, this is true love and health, and who feel a real woman happily.

Madonna: Art is sweet, but the sweetest love
In turn, the artist Madonna confirms that they can not live without love. But the love of a man is not a requirement, denying his intention to embark on marriage, pointing out that everything that was said in this context, is just talk Newspapers. Madonna says: «thinking between the stage and the other women have changed, and with it is different from the concept of love between Omar and another. Everything changes with time when women as a result of their experiences in life, and more advanced in age know more about what you want and how to choose the best. But specifically for the love there is no room for thinking and rationality in it, because it is based on emotion, and makes a woman in a state of permanent manifestations, they lose strength with age more advanced outlook becomes love in a different way ».
Madonna relay «women turn out to be a teenager when you fall in love no matter how old, and this means that they are not aware of the age of forty, but also is« on Jhlana length »But if the trust itself and the love of life, they are able to deal with the same With age at all stages and here lies the power. »
Madonna and recognize the existence of the great love of her life «my love for the man in my life is beautiful because it makes me feel happy, which is still going on with me many years ago. I am currently living on his spirit and his memory. In the past, there was a «blessing» in love today but it turned into debauchery and interests, and I refuse this kind of love that I rejected the evidence of the product offering to marry me; I do not have money because the goal is to fence dignity. I consider I am married to a man with the fact that we did not get married because of the unjust life circumstances; Dineen because we are different. It is soon to be married to the daughter of his uncle, but I'm only men who knew they were after him for me «rather than lost.» I did not find any of them in the specifications that I want. Not everything was still present with me one day and not feel that I want another man. Has achieved the status of I- sufficiency in love, money and gifts can not be anyone to make up for me.
The stars in the romantic life

The stars of the stories and opinions in love in men , which vary between the star and the other , on the basis of their experiences and their experiences and their relationship to men who have gone through in their lives . Because the actors and actresses always repeating that they can not live without love , love , how is the star at the age of forty and whether they apply a label « ignorant forty ? ? On the occasion of Valentine's Day , we raised this question on a number of stars of the answers and we came back the following :
Mayada : Do not fall in love easily
Mayada see through their own experience that there are several facets of love and says : « love tender but not limited to the love of women to men only , it is a comprehensive and affects all people and all that surrounds us in order to feel the warmth of internal and confidence in oneself » . Mayada but love for men was limited to only two trials where it says : « I « endowed and Athpet » , the first time when I was small and the second time when you're at the stage of the thirties and I was married to a man who loved » .
Mayada denies the existence of love in her life at this point , and adds : « Currently, I love only myself , because I did not love her but I'm not the adequacy of narcissism . When I meet the right person you will not reject it because they never Year of the universe , with that love is difficult not fall in love easily . I want a man in every sense of the word, compassionate and honest and is afraid to Mayada human being as to her feelings » .
Mayada also confirmed she loved her husband so much she said : « After the divorce , we became friends. When a marriage reaches an impasse , it is best to withdraw the iPod and kindness . I'm a woman does not like the problems and feeling disturbed because this situation affects the technician and my prime . This has nothing to give birth in divorce , as they say , but we had a child and the project « claimed » . It share , and I believe in fatalism » .

Samira Said : I loved the forty
Samira Said artists the few who Ijahrn Bamrhen real , they are in the 56 , which confirms its confidence high in itself , where it says : « It is impossible to remain human small and young every age, but it is important that maintains its shape and adopt the lifestyle of a moderate and a healthy diet and Sports practiced and be balanced in normal life . Age is just numbers to me , so I do not care as much as I am to my attention that my work is good and look good and my health is good » .
Collecting all the artists that they can not live without love , is it just ? Samira Said answer : « any human being can not live without love and only spent his bleak. Love gives us a sense of vitality and energy in order to continue and Ntjadded and communicate with people . It is not live without love someone who lives in the desert where there is no greenery » .
And the difference between love at a young age and love at the age of mature and love the sweetest she experienced in her life , she says Samira Said : « every experience a new love intervention where women think they are the sweetest and most beautiful , and they found the person who can not dispense with him one day , but when they move away a little bit and watch things from afar , you discover not only that what they were saying , and you think is not true, but also to be selected in the foundation was not the right one , because the requirements changed and thinking changed and become more understanding and awareness and knowledge of what you want and the man who understands and which are consistent with him more . I think that the more advanced age of women in the more choices become « balanced » more » .
Do you see Samira Said that ignorant about forty customary among men , is also widespread among women , Samira Said answer : « Psychologically , when he reaches the age of forty man feels that he came to a crossroads and that he wants to enjoy his life and there are things he misses . He feels that he began to enter into the difficult phase and that old before, so we find that some people , both men and women , when they reach the age of forty « Petkhaddoa » and living in a state of fear , while fluent in coexistence with the old , whatever his number , and the person Trucial with himself, and who knows that there are things that are different in nature, both physically and morphologically , it is old and accept these changes in a positive » . Do you would like Samira Said in the session, answer : « Of course I loved ! » , But , in contrast, refused to recognize whether this love is the most beautiful in her life


 That forty is the age most mature in a woman's life , because they have exceeded the stage of youth and gained all the experience and expertise necessary , and therefore I consider two fifties and forties in age women are the best sense of the mind with that form be nicer whenever she was younger » .
« Every person has 3 ages , the true age , and the age at which people can see through it, and the age at which live and who sees himself through it. Sometimes , it can live human lifetime is greater than the true age and vice versa . I feel today that I am the youngest of Sunni true ten years , but I will not mention how much of my life » .
 Love that forty combines passion and reason , and this is true love and health , and who feel a real woman happily .

Madonna : Art is sweet , but the sweetest love
In turn , confirms the artist Madonna she can not live without love . But the love of the man is not a requirement , denying its intention to embark on marriage, pointing out that everything that was said in this context, is just talk newspapers . Madonna says : « thinking women changed between the stage and the other , and with him is different from the concept of love between Omar and another . With time everything changes when women as a result of their experience and their experiences in life , and more advanced in age know more what you want and how to choose the best. But for the love specifically there is no room for thinking and rationality in it, because it is based on passion , and makes a woman in a state of permanent manifestation , they lose their strength with more advanced age and become outlook to love in a different way » .
The relay Madonna « women turn out to be a teenager when you fall in love no matter how old , and this means that they are not unaware of the age of forty , but also is « along Jhlana » But if the trust itself and love of life , they are able to deal with itself and with age in all stages and here strength lies » .
Madonna and recognize the existence of a great love in her life « my love for the man of my life is beautiful because it makes me feel happy , which is still going on with me many years ago . I am currently living on his soul and his memory . In the past, there was a « pool » in love today it is turning to immorality and interests , and I reject this kind of love that I rejected the evidence of the product offering me marriage ; because the money is not a goal I have it is a fence of dignity . I take it that I am married to a man with that we did not actually get married because of the unjust conditions of life ; Dineen because we are different . It is soon to be married to the daughter of his uncle , but I just men who knew they were after him for me « instead of the lost » . I did not find any of them in the specifications that I want. Everything it still exists with me one day and did not feel that I want a man else . He achieved the status of I -sufficiency in love , money and gifts can not be anyone that compensates me for.

الخميس، 13 فبراير 2014

Goodbye Mr. Cesar

Goodbye Mr. Cesar
The departure of the American master of comedy legend Cesar

American comedy star died and the owner of the most important television programs Sid Caesar at the age of 91 years .
Has confirmed the death of his close friend, the legendary Carl Reiner , who said he was at his home in Los Angeles , where he was suffering from the disease since at least .
Among the most important was what gave Caesar Show "Your Show of Shows" was a direct 90-minute on the NBC, where he was the most famous and the most successful TV shows and was broadcast every Saturday evening from 1950 to 1957.
Sid Caesar, Emmy Award-winning , he had many other TV series such as Kaiser -hour "Caesar's Hour" which was broadcast in the fifties and the coach Kallon "Coach Calhoun" in "Grease" in addition to the movie "Grease 2".
And included a march Sezer bus in television and cinema and theater, which lasted six decades, a period which has suffered from drug addiction .

Bridge of love in Paris

Bridge Arts , the center of the French capital Paris , the famous and the many previous close attaches lovers, where they are left or Anakecon their names on the small locks closed , the lock to be a symbol of eternal love does not open only to their hearts .

Verona lived here Romeo and Juliet the real

Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet is not just a land of tragedy invented by Shakespeare but is real theater which played the families of Montichi and Kapoliti , families of Romeo and Juliet , starring roles since the thirteenth century .
What if you went to Verona to visit Juliet's house . Built on the pattern of geometric art that Raj in the Middle Ages . Standing in the yard of the main anthropomorphic bronze Juliet acts sculptor Nereo Costantini son Verona .
The rooms of the house was designed style Alveroni in the fourteenth century . Although there are doubts about whether Juliet had actually lived in this house , you feel that the history books of the novel between its walls . This forces you to imagine Juliet rush corridors between stands on the balcony of Romeo and expected to reveal the most beautiful expressions of platonic love . Why not Taatqmassan role of Romeo and Juliet in their own their home Italian , to be finally happy ....

الثلاثاء، 11 فبراير 2014

The use of feathers in the home increases the beauty of your home

استخدام الريش في المنزل يزيد من جمال منزلك

من أهم الابتكارات الجميلة التي تحمل لنا هذا العام، هو ورق الجدران الذي يتميز بقوة في العام الجديد، وأنه يعطي منزل عالم من الخيال والإبداع والألوان والتصاميم.
تطل على ورق الحائط في عام 2014، تصاميم جذابة براقة ونطق الأناقة والفخامة، والذي كان جليا الأثاث المعرض الدولي الذي تستضيفه مدينة كولونيا، ألمانيا مؤخرا، أوضح والأثاث الخبير الألماني أولريك الرايخ أن ورق الجدران مزينة بنقوش نظرة ضخمة مموهة ومع بكسل كبيرة، وتغزو تصاميم خلفيات ثلاثية الأبعاد الفنية هذا العام، والذي يسمح لرؤية المناظر الطبيعية في صورتها الحقيقية، ونتطلع، على سبيل المثال، والتلال والوديان على ظهور ورقة حقيقية.
وتتميز تصاميم هذه السنة أيضا إمكانية تحسس الملمس مصنوعة من المواد الخام الطبيعية تشبه الريش والفراء واللؤلؤ، مشيرا إلى أن التصاميم التي تزين مظهر الخشب الطبيعي لا يزال في رواج بقوة هذا العام، لذلك لا تبدو الجدران متكلف الطابع تحت هذه التأثيرات ضرب، حاول المصممون تخفيف ذلك باستخدام نغمي كالبيج شخصية هادئة وحالمة ألوان الباستيل، وكذلك بعض ألوان جذابة مثل الأخضر والأزرق، ولمن يبحثون عن التفرد والتميز وأي نماذج للجدران اللامعة في الذهب وغيرها الألوان.

نسقي شرفة منزلك بطريقة جميلة

الشرفة هي المتنفس الوحيد في المنزل وخاصة الشقق والمنازل، مغلقة، في كثير من الأحيان من قبل أفراد الأسرة الجلوس معا، لذلك عليك أن تأخذ الرعاية مرتبة ومنسقة لتناسب احتياجاتك، وعلى النحو التالي:
أولا، تأكد من القدرة الخارجية شرفتك على تحمل الأوزان، من أجل معرفة ما هي المواد التي يمكن اختيارها للأثاث والجداول والتماثيل.
الحرص على الاستفادة من الحديقة الخاصة بك في كل الفصول، حتى لو كان جالسا على الشرفة ستقتصر على الصيف والربيع، وهذا لا يعني أن تهملي في شكل الفصليين الآخرين.

مع الأخذ في الاعتبار في أي وقت من اليوم Stglsin إلى الشرفة، إذا كان كل أعضاء هيئة المنزلية على مدار اليوم، وهذا يعني أنه يجب التركيز على جلسات مسائية المتطلبات.
تخطط بعناية، لأن كل سنتيمتر يستحق في مساحات ضيقة، تأكد من أن حجم الأثاث الذي اخترته بما يتناسب مع حجم شرفة بشكل عام.
اختيار الشتلات والزهور التي تتناسب مع مناخ من منزلك، والتعرف على نحو أدق الحاجة إلى الهواء والضوء من أجل أن تعرف أين يجب أن يكون خيارا.

ضوء من أجل أن تعرف أين يجب أن يكون خيارا.

أحب أجواء المهرجان

في عطلة للمجال الجوي الحب تملك، وبعضها يمكن الاحتفال به على طريقتهم مع الإنفاق ما يريدون المال، ولكن قلة منا لديه ما يكفي من المال لشراء هدية غالية الثمن لإثبات حبه وتقديره، ومع ذلك، يمكننا أن محاكاة هذه الفكرة وملء قلوب مثلنا الفرح ولحظات من الرومانسية، بما في ذلك الكراسي ثنائية الاجتماع، الذي يضفي على العشاء أكثر رومانسية والدفء.
"فيوري روسو تصميم الأفق" التقدم الاستماع لعشاق الهواء الطلق والاحتفال رومانسية للمهرجان يوم غير عادي من الحب، وشركة "فيوري روسو" أثاث هي شركة تصنيع وتسويق الدورات الأثاث الفاخرة في الهواء الطلق الحديث والمعاصر، والشركة فخور معاييرها من التميز ومكرسة في الحفاظ على مستوى عال من خدمة العملاء الشخصية، كما تفتخر الشركة مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات الفريدة والاكسسوارات العصرية التي تتلاءم مع الشقق والفنادق والمطاعم والمقاهي والأماكن العامة، والخبرة تلبية متطلبات من العملاء بقدر كبير من الكفاءة، مما أعطى الشركة بسمعة ممتازة.

المقاعد على لون مائدة الطعام

لم يعد التوحيد في اللون والأزياء والنموذج هو عامية لطاولة الطعام والكراسي المحيطة بها؛، حيث مثلت مقاعد طاولة الطعام مع أحدث الإبداعات في عالم الأثاث المختلفة التي ظهرت معرض الأثاث الدولي IMM كولونيا في كولونيا.
‫ تعتمد تصميم الديكورات الداخلية الألمانية ميريام Mydri هذا الاتجاه في تصاميمهم "غرف"، والذي يتألف من مقاعد متشابهة في التصميم حول مائدة الطعام، ولكن بألوان مختلفة ومتفاوتة Calfsfora رمادي وبيج.

‫ القدمين بينما يقوم المصمم الألماني بيتر مالي مفهوم مبتكر على فكرة توفير مقعد يتناسب مع كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة كما يشتهون؛ حيث هذا التصميم يعتمد في المقام الأول على مقعد بدون مسند الظهر ويتم تثبيت مساند مختلفة لكل مقعد وفقا لرغبة كل فرد.
‫ وأوضح مالي قال: "إن فكرة هذا التصميم هو أن كل عائلة فرد شخصية مختلفة، ولكنها جميعا تنتمي في النهاية إلى جمع الأسرة الواحدة، بما في ذلك نقاط التشابه ويأتي مقاعد مشابهة لهذه الفكرة، مع العلم يمكن للمستخدم تغيير مسند الظهر نفسه أكثر من مرة   

الاثنين، 10 فبراير 2014

Work increases your

Work increases your

The participation of women in all spheres of life, a key factor increases the productivity of the community , and raise the standard of living in particular, per household , and the work is made entity for women , and increases the rate of satisfaction with itself , and increases Akabbalha life positively , feeling that it is an integrated world can stand up and development alone at the beginning of the road , and the support of her husband and family at marriage

A study published in the American Journal « psychology » , that working women are happier with her husband even though the heavy workload and responsibilities increase compared to non-working women .
In a study of 169 couples , wives and lasted for four years , and in which measure the extent of marital satisfaction for working women and her husband , the results show that the volume of work and the weight of the tasks the wife was a cause of marital happiness .
He explained the researchers study authors These results confirm that the woman busiest in its feel somewhat satisfied and successful in their work , making it the best in her married life too, setting aside the large number of operational responsibilities and contention practical life , the self-esteem makes the wife more satisfaction for themselves and thus be able to give her and her husband a lot as a result of this psychological satisfaction .
That working women are the most intelligent women to its consideration , and this is due to see more of the events throughout the day , which feeds the thought constantly and kept them from the limited intellect as a result of mixing with different personalities at work carrying diverse cultures and different in the level of science and study.
 There is no doubt that the work of women and polished personal element makes it more effective in the community and therefore can participate in various topics and things and makes them more assertive and organized.

Do you like the rain

According to the " Daily Mail UK " , these were historic moments in the life of the child Caen , which at the age of 15 months after that , her parents allowed her to go out of the door of the house and raining in the U.S. state of California . After that saw rain for the first time in her life was at the top of the happiness which you feel like you get the bathroom normally, and took produce sounds and movements indicate her great happiness , and the video showed the mother of the child as she is trying to more than once to enter the house again after after wetting her fully , but the child insists on remaining abroad .

Your gift that you like

This has not been lost on the minds of the appropriate role of the World . Assigns each one a set of designs to celebrate this day , which express the feelings of friendship that unite the other. Not here , and certainly the richest of our jewelry gift for those we love. They are in addition to the moral value , carrying value of the material is high, thanks to the precious metals that make up the rich and stones embellished . The same applies to the hours that is one of the valuable gifts that rejoices every person to receive it .

الخميس، 6 فبراير 2014

True health for men

The correct way to shave men

Depends on many men shave daily emergence of heroine chic , and shaving on a daily basis will cause inconvenience for men as a result of wounds , as well as to the accuracy they need , in addition to the importance of taking into account some of the foundations , which facilitates the process of shaving , which is the most important:
4 Natural Ways to chin the longest and most beautiful
First secrets that will make Hlaguetk completely different style is to rely on olive oil , it works normal moisturizer for the skin and prepares the hair before shaving Vigolh finely , and thus become a semi- smooth skin shall be passed by the razor smoothly .
Men : Your Guide to Personal care Bnzaftk
You also choose the type of razors so good to be sharp and effective , if the blade is sharp enough , it will cause you in the case of allergies and dry skin .
Also, you can be sure that your chin wet , because facial hair absorbs 30% of the water when it is washed and thus becomes weak shall be Hlagueth more easily , use a

brush haircut traditional because it is an individual hair Muthanna and curly and short it becomes easier to remove it passes the blade once on the skin .
Ponytails for men
When choosing a shaving brush bristles make sure that the dense and soft at the same time until your skin is gently massaged and the uniqueness of the Holy effectively on the perimeter of the area you want to shave .
6 foods to prevent baldness
Use Shaving Cream also works moisturizer for the skin , the holy well be the touch on the skin -like dough and not bubbles soap , massage your face and neck cream , then let it sit for one minute , and then start to pass the razor on your face lightly and without pressure or cruelty on your part.
Simple steps to take care of Men's Skincare
For men only
The right is always in the same direction of hair growth , and progress on passing the blade to reverse hair, after shaving knead your skin with warm water , use aftershave lotions immediately to protect your skin from inflammation.
Skin Care .. Men too!

Exercises to flatten the muscles of the body task

In this article, we learn some of the difficult exercises performed by men in order to get the muscles tight and lean body , and thus the appearance of views and elegant :
Rotation on the hands : Put both feet on the fixed seat , then put your hand on the ground down them with all your upper body , without dropping the thighs or move your feet , and then walk on your hand a semi-circle around the seat , repeat this process 4 times and rest 60 seconds between each time and other .
Tug up on the chest: Bring rope rubber Short Put a party down to you, and then lie down on your back , and pulled the rope to the chest area , and then pulled the rope up , repeat this process four times each time 15 several , and between each group and the other get comfortable 4.5 again .
Tug of war and you are the one your sides : Lie on a straight sides , provided that the uniqueness of the knees well , then pull the rope from the pulley on the chest , the two sets of this exercise 15 times, rest 60 seconds between first and second group .
Walk on the ball: Bring a ball, stop them , taking your hands on the ground straight up so that your head at the ankles , without bend your knees , and then move the ball behind your feet that set your body straight up , then go back again straight also , repeat this exercise three groups, each 15 times, rest between each set 45 seconds.

Disease prevention

Disease prevention

In the current period, everyone became susceptible to influenza virus infection, especially if a person does not follow the preventive measures the daily health, and these procedures apply to children in schools, homes and clubs, as well as the adults in their work and through mixing with others. 
Resistant influenza hot lemon, garlic and onions 
In this context, advises Dr. existing Refaay professor of diseases of the chest of the need to increase each person and each family of preventive measures, especially in the case of the emergence of these infections, stressing that there is no need to panic, Prevention and attention to good nutrition the best solution to deal with this virus and increase immunity. 
Now estimated to deal with the flu to "ice cream" 
He stressed on the first proper nutrition based on fruits and vegetables full of vitamins "c - a", and eating a lot of hot drinks a day, Kalenson, mint, ginger, cinnamon, and these types of food increase the immune system and strengthen it. 
Home remedies for symptoms of influenza successful 
For other preventive measures, stressed that a person reduce the presence in public places and frequently throughout the day, and the lack of presence in one place with closed from suffering from flu or cough continuously, so he does not get infected fast. 
Rest and fluid intake warm to cold and treat influenza 

 A nail polish wrong 

Tertkben have a certain error when applying nail polish your own, then certainly Stljoan to correct the error Bmazil paint, but what if carried nail polish remover ... What to do in this case, to know new ways to remove nail polish: 
Spray deodorant: Seek the help Besbraa rich odor remover chemicals and alcohol that can remove nail polish. Sprinkle Sbraa fingernail on more than once, then licked the product by a cotton ball, the alcohol component of the spray odor remover for the work of the paint remover, since the dissolution of the components of the product and they allowed, appears on a cotton ball like Tstaanin acetone. 
Installer to paint nail polish: If you made a mistake in the process of applying nail polish and did not pay attention to that nail polish remover had been carried out, gay to the Top Coat, stratified on your fingernail and before it dries swab Balqtna. Tdatrin have to repeat the process to remove paint Tdmna fully, as the installer transparent paint coatings basic moisturizes and works to the disintegration of Taatmkny easily removed. 
Hair spray: hair spray works to hydrate the nail polish and the formation of an adhesive layer, which makes it easy to remove the paint Balqtna. Ttachri not remove the color from your fingernail, as in the first seconds of the spray can be allowed to facilitate the removal of color, but after it dries it is unable to install color. 

Individual hair at home without damage 

The lot of the ladies wrap hair and linking, without the opportunity for him to breathe, and this lapping consistently could cause some damage to the hair, as she says beautician Chomaz, "Most of the girls resort to traditional methods in the treatment of hair and straighten, which are the results useless to some extent large, resulting in the loss of protein and Alkeriatin natural hair because of weather factors and aging. " 
She adds, "Alkeriatin one of these methods for the treatment of hair and straighten quickly, but leaves the harmful effects on the health of hair over time, while the protein is another way to treat hair Impressive though the results remain slim, especially for curly hair with nature." 
Emphasizes "Chomaz" the optimal solution and the best compared to protein and Alkeriatin is a hair treat

ment by water gold and Botox, vitamins and amino acid to get through on the proportion of treatment and an individual close to 100% without any damage, and can be used for children as well, so by splitting the hair separated from the part, then put little amino acid on two tablespoons of honey and coconut white and then add a little Botox. 
And complement: mix all these elements together, then add a few of them and painted by each set of hair divided in advance and leaves, then wash off after an hour and warns completely dried immediately after use. 

Learn the feelings of women 

If you are an admirer of the girl and I wanted to reveal the true feelings towards you, all you need to do is to translate the language of the body have it through their movements can discover the extent of her love, here's these signs that indicate the positive feelings of women: 
Holiday in the heart of the connotations and meanings of love know it 
If a girl is waiting for the opportunity to spend time with you, and leave no occasion even talk with you, and make up excuses to prolong the time of dialogue to gather as much information about you, as well as if gave you the title calculated on the social networking or e-mail address or phone number on its own without requested them. 
How do you make your relationship Bhabibtk successful and stable? 
If invited you to identify friends and relatives, and I've known that they are talking about you always, and tell everyone about you specifically, they are definitely interested in you, and if they mimic your actions, and trying to change the habits that I noticed that you do not like it, it certainly is trying to sign your choice by wives and future. 
35 romantic gesture for the holiday of love 
If you notice that your girl feel jealous or you are with another girl, or even while talking about the other, make sure that her feelings toward you are not normal, also if you notice it has become meets your "coincidence" almost frequently, because the girl who is a fan of a young man who is seeking to Seen with him a lot, and therefore may go to the same places frequented by this man. 
Your guide to write the most beautiful love letters for holiday 
If you are looking out suddenly, and found the girl consider you without knowing that you see, they are definitely impressed with you, and if you notice that this girl is Bigaztk, and ignoring for pushing you to recognize their love, this is a sign of her love, and if the girl was talking to you about the future, and noted that it reminds plans Taatdmenk future, they certainly want to keep your partner in her life to come. 

Get rid of belly fat 

Piling up of fat in the abdominal area and waist when some men, and caused severe inconvenience to them as well as the appearance is desirable, and in order to shift this fat into muscle, you have to work on the following: 
Some exercises to flatten the muscles 
Repetition exercises: to work on the division of the abdominal muscles in a professional manner, you can exercise the usual for 3 consecutive days without a rest period, on the fourth day which marks the middle of the week, you must repeat these exercises again the same strategy to increase its impact on the abdominal area. 
6 foods to be avoided man 
Continue the exercises: After the completion of the first step, you need to continue to exercise for a longer period than during the transition from exercise to another without getting any rest period, and continued Tdrebatk the same effort, and to take any drink or juice naturally to restore energy to your body again and continue to exercise without feeling tired or Stress. 
For men: 10 Habits keeps your youth 
Return to the starting point: get muscles belly powerful does not require the address of the new exercises all the time, but basically depends on the size of the effort made by the trainee, so do not think too much in that repetition will not lead to any satisfactory result, quite the contrary, Fdilat abdomen need for the same exercise constantly to keep the look professional, and divided for 6 different regions. 
6 foods on the man addressed 
Get rid of the fat: even if you suffer from fat, you'll get the muscles of the abdomen strong after undergo these exercises for a long time, but here we must find a way more favorable to get rid of Wazzan excess in the abdominal area, even has the appearance athlete you are looking for. 

الأربعاء، 5 فبراير 2014

Chinese baby with Chinese

Chinese baby with Chinese

Chinese table to determine the sex of the fetus , is an old tombs discovered at a Chinese archaeological property , and prepared some fun way to learn the sex of the fetus of a male or female .
To use this table , you will need to know the dear mother of two things , namely: the lunar month , which happened the lunar age pregnancy and also to you when it happens . There is no conclusive scientific evidence on the validity and accuracy of this method , which comes out this table Some believe strongly in what is considered by some a way to entertain no more.
How do you use this table ?
1 - Identify the lunar age when pregnancy occurs depends on the Chinese lunar calendar to calculate the age of the mother , where one year is added to the current age . For example, if you , dear pregnant at the age of 32 Fmrk according to the Chinese calendar is the 33 -year-old Chinese so that they add nine months of pregnancy to the age of the fetus at birth to become a one-year- old when he came to our world.
2 - In case the date of your birth date loomed for February 22 western calendar , add one year to your age. For example, if the current age was 17 years old and was born on 11 July , it will be your age is 18 years and according to the lunar history .
3 - As if born after the date of February 22 the Western calendar , you should determine whether your date of birth comes before or after the Chinese New Year during the year of your birth . In the event your birth date was previously the Chinese New Year , some way to add an additional year to the number of years of your life time western . For example , if your date of birth is the seventh of January 1990 , it was the date of the Chinese New Year is January 27 in 1990 , so according to the lunar calendar you are , you have been born before the New Year , which makes the biggest two years of age the Western calendar .
4 - Identify the lunar month , which occurred when the pregnancy . Use the table in the picture to find a box that intersects both the lunar age of the mother and the lunar month of pregnancy , which Sedlk sex is expected for the newborn male or female .

What distinguishes fabrics made ​​of leopard skin for the rest of the fabrics

It's hard to consider edition leopard skin like the rest of the fashion trends in transit, has proved its presence in every season , and can wear the same edition in the Lok simple and views daily elegant it adds a touch of luxury required coordinated with the right shoe , and you can wear in the Lok evening gorgeous heroine upscale .
 Here are some options to wear these special edition :
Stylish Shirts
You can Tnsaga shirt with a beautiful skirt in black to get the full -Luc classic, elegant , but if you're looking for a more daring view we recommend coordinated with the col

or of a summer skirt with bright or maybe a bright neon colors .
Trousers or skirt
This can be one of the pieces the perfect piece in your closet , it can be coordinated with views different each time .
Winter coat
Coat winter edition featured leopard skin is the secret weapon that can make Atalaltk more luxurious and more expensive by adding to it .
Bag edition leopard skin
If you're not a fan of this edition would be the perfect addition to the bag Atalaltk the dress short black , and red lips Lok Complete with attractive red .
Boot with high heels
Intellectual shoe with a leopard skin print classic black shoe , it can be certain that it fits all Atalalatk , and this was in view of a beautiful shoe fashion icon OlivaPalermo Bbntlon resource with a black jacket .

You can not limit your options when you wear these multi- edition , so being creative and innovative ways to Create wearing them.

Is Ante who likes to wear shorts

Shorts , are the most prominent high this season , as it recorded a significant presence in many of the groups , as a group , " CH Bai Carolina Herrera " CH by Carolina Herrera and a " Blumarine " Blumarine and " Celine " Celine and " Marc by Marc Jiacobs " Marc by Marc Jacobs ... And others. It designs , which received many of the spiders impressive fashion , especially as the process at the same time lend femininity and return for a set on the View . You can coordinate with the shirt tight or loose , you can also be worn with T -shirts fashionable. To get a view of a successful and stylish with rompers , here are some simple tips :
For the short and tight pants :

1 . If you Her short stature , this type of pants suitable for you , if you look longer makes .
2 . Choose with high-heeled shoes is better to have a high -heeled shoe and the introduction Marwsh . And systemic Atalatk shirt with a male provider cardigans , in order to talk attractive contradiction between femininity and Asratha View .
3 . If you choose a sports shirt or T-shirt , we recommend Pantaal flat shoes and trendy .
4 . If the weather is cold or windy , wear rompers with an average elevation winter boots , loose sweaters .

For the short and baggy trousers :

1 . This brings us back to the Fashion Design forties . In addition, the shoes are available in the market this winter short pants suit and contribute to provide views of distinctive and full of feminine .
2 . If you want to appear distinctive Modern System draws attention , wear your pants with short broad tight sweater outing body.
3 . Choose high boots up to the knee because it gives you a nice mainstay . In addition , the winter boots that reach to the ankle also worthy Balsrawil loose .
4 . Wear a T-shirt with narrow this kind of pants, a belt high waist Zinni For more femininity .

 Coat great need to coordinate to Rtdaúh

Offers were achieved in winter coats cry baggy and bulky . And occupied a great deal of attention to fashion experts and coordinators appearance, if able to draw the attention of the ladies, and ignite Vdohin to discover this new trendsetting and how they impact on Atalalathen . What distinguishes baggy coats is that they are able to make the clothes look unique and more modern . It also gives you the opportunity to add the pieces on top of each other , such as shawls and decades or even thick sweaters . And comes with some instructions to wear your coat huge elegant way
Choose the appropriate design Shorts
To highlight your coat beautifully , we recommend you wear tight trousers of denim fabric or cloth decorated with reliefs . You can also choose Tight Pants , especially when your ankles , or the Legging skin that makes your legs seem longer and Nhilleten coat with wide . To view more classic , you can choose corduroy or the Cropped Pants with shirring at the bottom , and Antal high-heeled shoes .
Choose the right shoe
There are a lot of options in front of you to Antal right shoe . You can choose the shoe up to the limits of the ankle or flat shoes or boots Marws from the front with a heel Marws also , or you can even Antal high-heeled shoes with a knot or Buckle at the ankle . The goal is to shed light on the ankle and with tight pants or flexor or tight jeans , these shoes lend elegance and femininity to your coat .
T-shirts and accessories
To get a view of a modern , water the loose black shirt with a long , or choose luminous views across coordinate colored collared sweater untwisted contract with neck wraps . And modern views you can choose the shirt is made from the skin with a distinctive geometric design contract . These options are all worthy of a loose coat and huge , because it is simple and helps to highlight the design of the coat is beautiful .

الثلاثاء، 4 فبراير 2014

Lost her sight did not prevent her from pursuing her natural

Lost her sight did not prevent her from pursuing her natural 

Sophie Maceio, the press has made the dreams of many, has demonstrated that it can not be a handicap no matter how harsh to prevent human life fun and knowledge together, Vsofi French journalist blind toured the world, recorded a serial notarial about her, accompanied by her dog Bongo, danced with girls Maghreb Music Arab, I got to know the pain of women in Athobaa and Abzlnh of effort; making a loaf today, sounded Arabic coffee, camel ride in and Dai Rum in Jordan. 

Other senses 
Maybe it made many wonder: Why do we rely only on the sense of sight to see the world? What about the other senses? 
Sophie with eyes Almlontin, penetrated all barriers at once, with a friendly smile, and energetic high, and quietly charming, and we painted and has a different world, relying on her hands and sense of smell is strong; to learn about the worlds, countries, peoples and cultures, so I went for a walk with the local population in Norbert, and installed on a boat in the swamp in Louisiana, where teeming with alligators, stressing that courage is not exclusive to one, lived for days and exceptional experienc
es astonished the world, goal of the trip, as you say: I can not see, but I want to feel like the world, I want I know that. 

Product documentary series presented on TV «RTL» German, he says: «It is young and has a lot of talent, a strong sense of touch, and a good ear, nose wonderful». 

Skilled hunters 
I met Sophie at Young Mi Jian in Shanghai and visited the skyscrapers there, and walked in the neighborhoods of Hong Kong's old, touched the stones I realized originality, lived Weather tea ceremony traditional in China identified cupping, practiced by the ladies there as a kind of healing diseases, says Sophie for this experiment it was painful, laugh and adds: I had to sleep on my stomach full nights. 
And practiced hobby of fishing, and the frequency of their facilities, do not worry as long as I feel like the wind in my face, it means I am in the right direction. 
In Morocco visited the homes on the towering peaks, where there is no electricity in most of the time, and the people all of the time sheets Taatdther to take shelter from the cold, in the morning, the girls participated belly dancing, and Adhishthm its ability to climb mountains goats. 
In Ethiopia accompanied the women there on a trip hardship, to collect reeds private and peel with a knife and prepared; to be a loaf of bread, feed him the whole family, carried the weight on her back and carried by women there, until almost scream of pain, but did not do, out of respect for the pain women also expressed. 
In other countries gathered fruits and Tnhqt filled the, perhaps realized their colors and the extent of maturity of smell, was described like you see, which is not difficult for them to task, I learned mow the lawn, picking apples, and dance Filamknu in Spain, in France, made cheese in the farm are still working on energy Wind, laughed, shaking sieve to come out of something you do not see the heart does not see something else, too. 
Did not participate people their careers and their work and details of their lives, but also share them belief, has entered mosques in Istanbul, picked up pictures of her next to her; to recognize the cultural heritage of the peoples, did not set limits for themselves; to discover Introduction wonderful picture of women and their ability and rights and will, left many impressions , and of them talked about who was faultless in the imaging process, Falcamarat were present in each slope, and five journalists traveling with the transfer of global reports from all over the place you're visiting, say they are working diligently and enthusiastically wonderful she learned not afraid of them, because in most cases we forget it blindly. 
The dog Bongo, dog Aldemnchen wonderful, and who accompanied her on all flights, ahead slowly, observers silently, the coach of the kind of duties, were not to Mahth to succeed, not for receiving a special compartment free under the directives of the European Union, on all flights European, says Sophie him that he could be anywhere, and become adaptable to the time difference, but he hates to ride ships and water. 
The fact Sophie blind, but in the first-class journalist. 

Learn the pros and cons of some of the herbs and Alkhzar

Learn the risks of green tea 

Green tea is the beverage of important and useful for health, many people considered the drink of choice for them, but does green tea commensurate with the pregnant woman, or that there are precautions you should pay attention to it during pregnancy?? 
5 chasing rumors of a pregnant woman .. And ways to overcome them 
Some studies have confirmed that drinking a lot of green tea during pregnancy is not good. Because it contains caffeine, it also contains a substance "EGCG" that could affect the folic acid in the body; whereas the latter helps prevent birth defects of the neural tube to the fetus. 
Tips for a pregnant woman to get rid of skin problems and skin changes 
The green tea affects the effectiveness of the absorption of calcium in the body that need pregnant, and prevents the body from absorbing iron properly. 
Tips for pregnant women during labor 
We must not forget the impact of caffeine on a child's weight, and a lot of it would lead to miscarriage and low birth weight, although low caffeine in green tea for coffee, but he would prefer not to eat during pregnancy. 

Snacking to get rid of excess fat 

No one can deny the importance of breakfast, and that the issue overlooked a significant adverse impact on the trim, and for this reason, what do you think that Trace tips subsequent mentioned that gives you breakfast tasty at the same ti

me speeds up the metabolism, which in turn make the body energy to burn fat sticking by , to do any yourself've got a curvaceous body due to breakfast only! 

 Benefits protein 

Protein intake the right amount will help you effectively build muscle and strengthen it, so whenever I got the strong muscles in your body the proportion of fat stored less, this is usually advised to build muscle, either through exercise or by eating protein, but at the required rate, even weighing the muscles, It then makes the metabolism to burn fat faster. 
And even take advantage of the above-mentioned points, the protein with the most important meal of the day, a breakfast, we suggest that you eat only the amount of 20 grams of protein that can be represented in a cup of skim milk yogurt, mixed with two spoons tablespoons of walnuts and half a cup of berries. 
You can eat egg whites or boiled egg or nuts or protein powder is also inadequate. 
Celery "helps the body to burn fat 

Eating chili or chilli ways that promote the burning process you have, where spicy foods increase metabolism through high body temperature, which saves the fat burning process. 
This is sometimes advisable to add some of the hot pepper sauce on the dishes, to help in weight loss, taking into account the non-application of this advice with every meal or exaggerate the amount placed in the dish, simply because it will make you suffer from diarrhea! 
Comes to the important role of advice, which is eating chili at breakfast, and do not show any surprise you can already dealt with egg whites or egg and a slice of toast, whole fruit quarter avocados with a little chili sauce, or whether it is the fruit of pepper flakes. 
How can we transform our bodies to the machine to burn fat? 
Green Tea 
Caffeine found in green tea and the plant itself will help you burn fat faster, but you have green tea without any additives either sugar or milk Tdmna even more meaningful result. 
In addition to the vital role of green tea in the burning of fat, it also contains anti-oxidant which protects you from heart disease, and make the owners of the skin free of blemishes. 
But you have to take into account that the green tea will help you to the bathroom too much fat, so you have to balance the water lost from the body by drinking more cups of water to compensate for the lost you. 
Goodbye to the waist without fat diet! 
Some scientific studies have found that the amount of calcium in the body has a large factor in the ability to burn fat or not, People who suffer from a lack of calcium in the rate of burning them weak. 
They must acquire the body about 1000 grams of Alcalssbaum daily either food or supplements, so that the burning process has going well. 
Even Tdmna eating the proper amount of calcium and Celtic are to burn fat, you can follow the following: 
- Drink skim milk with a cup of skim milk yogurt and low-fat cheese, all dairy products contain a good amount of calcium is taken up a quarter of the desired quantity of calcium per day. 
- You can also prepare that meal that will give you the amount of calcium your body needs it, a cup and a half milk Almond Unsweetened with a bunch of Cali and fruit Islands and a banana and Kobe blueberry blue and a little cinnamon and a tablespoon coconut and this optional any taste. 

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