Benefits of lemon
Lemon vegetables task for the authorities and appetizers, and lemon juice also enjoy the taste of delicious except for its health benefits and that illustrated by Dr. Basant Ezzat consultant immune diseases, saying that the lemon a number of health benefits that is in being purified blood and removes all impurities body beside his ability to rid the body of toxins sticking to it.
And lemon rich in potassium, which is of great importance for patients with heart disease because of its ability to strengthen the immune system and help it to heart patients to get rid of problems and heart attacks, and is one of the natural sedatives that can be used it and when put half a lemon on any wound exposed to the bleeding was not that this will contribute to stop the bleeding completely .
Do not stop the benefits of lemon at this point but it contains many of the nutritional vitamins K (c and b) beside the material niacin, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, and is useful in the treatment of scurvy and the strengthening of the vascular wall, eating lemon am useful to the liver next to its ability to treat inflammation of the throat and tonsils , it is also useful in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and colon irritation therefore recommended capturing as much as possible on a regular basis.
Benefits of Nuts
Nut is a kinds of nuts, which has a rich taste, and today we will talk about the health benefits of the nut, which is the most important:
• Nut healthy teeth and gums and organizer for the metabolism and because it is very rich in vitamin E, it plays a role against oxidation, it is also rich in fiber so it is easy soluble in water and helps reduce cholesterol in the blood.
• protects the nut from heart problems is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (mono), which is rich in magnesium, which is also rich in protein but are incomplete proteins must therefore be taken with other elements rich in protein complementary.
• recommended in protein diets for weight loss, as well as the nut is rich in vitamins (A. B) prescribed for people with diabetes, tuberculosis, epilepsy, urinary tract infection, which increases the capacity of the brain.
• boiled flowers used to treat sagging hazelnuts, where Boil 30 grams of flowers in a liter of water, and boiled Paper Nut, best diuretic, and blood purifier.
• The disadvantages of nuts: they include nuts that cause the gases in the stomach, and retards the process of digestion and cause cases of vomiting, so Flaatdal always is the basis in dealing with any type of foods so enjoyed the benefits of nuts and kept on your body.
Benefits sumac
Sumac is a spice that is not without its famous house of any of them, Vmmagah acid gives the food a special flavor, and we are not going to talk about the taste of sumac, but we will talk about the health benefits and therapeutic hidden to many.
Eating leaf sumac helps to resist premature graying, he also anti-bleeding, and analgesic for the pain of the gums and teeth, also works to strengthen the stomach and digestive system, anti-nausea, and quenches thirst, prevent the spread of gangrene in the body, an aperitif, and a reduced heat, and lowers rates of risk the incidence of cardiovascular disease and strokes.
In addition to the foregoing, the sumac may address the following diseases: ear infections, rheumatism, arthritis, hemorrhoids, runny uterus, chronic diarrhea, yellow, the problems of the throat and mouth, urinary incontinence, kidney problems, bladder disorders, stomach pain, scabies, fungal skin, as well as to bronchitis, coughs and flu.
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