Are you ready for both visits Ante
Traditionally , previously , that the one visit other people , at a specific time . , But visits have become today is subject to certain assets , including appointments , as the subject of the visit , with no delay , of course, about the deadline. , But in many cases , may Taatardan visits. sudden , he spoke deliberately or unintentionally .
" Madam Net" offers you some tips derived from etiquette expert Nadine Daher in order to improve the act with the guests who are making the rounds Evajionk unexpected .
If you are linked to another date , you can specify the time of the visit, the guest ; For example : You can ask permission from him Badtarark to leave the house after 15 minutes , due to the date of last bookmarking .
If you do not have external links , you and your guest Tstqubla evaluating its duty to the fullest.
A cup of coffee is a maximum limit for the hospitality during the visit, the sudden , while the minimum in the guided visits by appointment .
If the guest came in at lunch time , you have to Tatbreh a member of the House , during a meeting of the table to eat .
If you have not started to eat lunch , you can be Tstqublah , that Taatnola of food after leaving .
After the end of the visit , you are entitled to notice my approach him tactfully , such as determining an appointment at a time later .
How to deal with some nagging questions
May ask you some questions embarrassing or personal , either from your friends or even people Tltakin them for the first time , Kmkdar monthly salary or weight or religion ... The Tertpkin you change or modern , ignoring the question, or to give you an answer Tdatrin inaccurate !
Perhaps the most common questions and everyday, those related to age or the price of a particular purpose .
Etiquette expert Nadine Daher tells you how to answer these questions in a nice and polite .
When you ask about age, you can only answer with:
Large enough to judge things .
Exceeded the age of twenty- ago period .
Do I look at a very advanced age ? Accompanying this answer laugh or smile !
When asked about the price of something special , you can answer the following form:
I do not remember the price, because I bought it a while ago .
Try to pretend that you are trying to remember , but to no avail !
Replies that everything is expensive today , after it became expensive living . " Let's not talking material things do not even frustrated ," with an attempt to change the subject and move immediately to another interview .
Go to the beauty salon
One may Taatrddan to beauty salons to take care of your appearance outside . Therefore , it follows you abide by the rules " etiquette " for this place , which tells the expert , " Etiquette " Nadine Daher, to achieve harmony between the interior and exterior elegance :
- First of all, you have to Thdda date suits you and fits the possibilities of working in the salon , due to overcrowding in many cases .
- If there was a specific command you , you have to cancel 24 hours before the deadline , with an apology . Strive not to Ttachri deadline for you, so do not take your time than others.
- You attention to your appearance outside , so that Basque fit and modest , to reflect the appropriate image for you .
- Be careful not to raise your voice , in the course of talking over the phone, or the names of appointees , in order to avoid transmission of conversations and out of respect for the privacy of others .
- Preferably including employee learning you would like to do. , And if there is any mistake , and did not like, Valtzme calm and patience , not Tfkadi temper , raise your voice and avoid insulting the employee insulted her, but you have to learn the salon manager , respectfully .
- Preferably provide a " tipping " of the employee that are interested , and your Beware deal with a sense of superiority and arrogance .
- Do not you are entitled to access to the rooms beauty without authorization , Respect the privacy of others is very important in these places .
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