الأربعاء، 31 يوليو 2013

 Following the announcement on the consumer 
Knows Edward Hrio of that culture is what remains of the man when he forgets everything [1]. Without a doubt, the picture is blessed with the ability to infiltrate and stay long in the memory, one of us has forgotten a book read twenty years ago, but it certainly will not forget the scene visually, or images, particularly those with a high dose of engorgement and surprising gravity. 

Has resulted in rich communication for a new language is understood by everyone, a language image Ntdolha to prepare for the moment rigid in نتبادلها time with others, or moving moment we are living together and affected Bahaaatha. It is through the picture, now we call the moment of our childhood, and moments of joy and sorrow in our lives and sharing, and because the image occupies the essence of the moment and make it permanent, we see it again and again. It is now we can across the image, documenting not only the past, and even present, فأضحت the witness's King and blogger world crashes, and even life that it Nksoha. The picture became a movement of our thoughts and our lives many ways, including goods that we consume and our lifestyles. 

In fact, that human knowledge generally woven from varying representations in the mass expressions and implications, and that the march of knowledge has always been associated with increased affluence imaginative and visual heritage along the history. Remember here the argument Aristotle: (thinking that is impossible without pictures), the picture has always been an inflammatory in concerns philosophical, and input inevitable to answer a question essence, which means the thing, as evidenced survival of things in the continuation and survival, and the remains of which are disclosed in (idea) as reflected what everything from sex [2]. 

In our time, has become is part of the marketing system of modern-controlled media, making it a picture endorsement mentally products sensual. Draw that picture was Square confrontation between competing companies, and therefore it is being used by larger competitors and the price of advertising in which the numbers fairy can not be paid, but major companies was this part of the imposition of their products to the consumer through such means ad inherent in human beings. There is now considerable kinds of images growing every day with the development of means of knowledge, including eye brings us closer to civilization, and purely technical terms, the global village, preached by Marshall McLuhan, is a picture industry. 

In this paper, we try to fathom the impact of television on consumers and their behavior, an issue that has become as important what must be his focus due to the large correlation incident among the public and among the largest television and media outlets have an impact on viewers 

I'm going to divide research into four chapters I take the following: 
In the first chapter, entitled advertising, which consolidate the concepts of the Declaration and its characteristics and functions and its various stages in an effort to get to know it and approach it makes complete the look with specific concepts and bring us closer to a scientific identification tool influencing consumer behavior 

In the second chapter titled television advertising as a means shed a light on the advantages and disadvantages of television advertising as a means 

In the third chapter, entitled the role of advertising in television marketing in which he addressed several points, namely, the factors that influence the choice of media advertising and choose the means of Ad and the relationship of other means of communication, public relations, sales promotion and sales promotion 

In the fourth and final chapter named consumer advertising and address the relationship between the consumer and advertising and consumer behavior, advertising and variables that affect consumer behavior and the relationship between consumer advertising and consumer behavior change 

- Research problem 
Affect advertising on the patterns of behavior of consumers, it provides them with information about various products, and is important to study this effect in identifying the desires of consumers of goods and services subject of advertising or choose the means appropriate ad to convey the message advertising and there are signs of interest in the activity advertising television in the Saudi environment represented by the the emergence of publications and companies and institutions, advertising and advertising agencies and media attention Arabia recently announced television, but the industrial enterprises of Saudi Arabia does not take advertising attention it receives advertising in the global environment and non-local, although the declaration helps in the process of transfer and sale of products between the factory and the consumer is larger and helps and supports the process and effectiveness of the marketing mix components in operational processes (marketing efforts). 

And organizations Saudi Arabia today are operating in a more competitive environment than ever before after it was operating in an environment less somehow in competitiveness due to cheap goods from East Asia, the quality is not good and at lower prices than domestic prices, has prompted this change some factories to do trying to work ads, but these attempts remain small, simple and sophisticated. 

And inexperience institutions, factories and Saudi companies in the Declaration of their campaigns did not appear well and did not have a major impact on the movement of goods because of their campaigns not based on a scientific basis and a sound approach. 

The Declaration fruitful require the provision of a database on the market and conduct research aimed related consumer behavior, but the, the high costs of this mission, plus advertising costs will be in vain if were not Item advertised more quality than other commodities its competitors and in the market with it, and may see institutions Arabia that Consumer Saudi more interested in products world so it does not turn interesting ads for local products and possibly the work of a study on consumer interest Saudi Arabia with such global products in the Saudi market and rival of alternative products Arabia need a larger study to understand the issue and determine the effects and nominally better. 

From the above it is clear that the research problem lies in the presence of a trace of television ads published in local broadcast channels and non-local effect on the purchasing behavior of the consumer Saudi local market. Interestingly, the topic is how the Saudi consumer response to the ads are not designed primarily for addressing therefore did not take into account local culture and environment for him or personal characteristics. 

The importance of research 
The importance of research stemmed from the following considerations: 
1 - I did not find only in search of the field and one in libraries Arabia looking at this issue, and this does not mean there is no other research may not know about anything, but Accordingly, this research is of particular importance because of the research of early first dealing with this subject in the market Saudi Arabia even though other research found they are rare or very few. 
2 - Find contribution may reach him by results in the development of a database kernel or enriching it in the case of other research on consumer behavior and influenced by television advertising 

Research objectives 
According to the formulation of a problem Search this exploratory in nature (Exploratory Research) will seek to achieve the following objectives: 
1 - stand on the Saudi consumer interest in television ads published in local non-broadcast channels. 
2 - Evaluation of the role of television ads in the local channels as an important source of information useful for goods from the consumer's point of view. 
3 - To determine the effect of the television Declaration of non-local broadcast channels in the Saudi consumer guide to making purchase decisions. 
Stand on the vulnerability of Saudi consumer television ads published in local non-broadcast channels according to personal characteristics. 

Find questions 
Search attempts to answer the following questions: 
- Is it really cares about the consumer Saudi television ads published in local search channels? 
- Is TV ads are actually an important source of information from the consumer's point of view? 
- To what extent the effect of non-local channels on the Saudi consumer 

- Previous studies: 
Searched for previous studies related to this topic did not find only a field study one specialized on the impact of advertising on consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, but there are many studies of Arab and foreign, which addressed the issue of the impact of advertising on consumer behavior have varied in the way of discussion of the effects of advertising message, including: 
Study improve Mansour (200): The researcher in the study analyzed the relationship between advertising television and consumer behavior in the north of Jordan, and included in the study (440) citizen randomly selected, and data were collected by questionnaire The researcher reached in his study that the percentage of viewers ads Allevzewenih (84.1% ) of the study sample, whether permanently or occasionally, and there is a relationship between increased exposure to advertising and positive consumer behavior, in the sense that the higher the level of education of individuals increased belief that the role of advertising in increasing consumption. 

Study Abdul Aziz Abdul Sattar (2000): The researcher studying the effect of advertising Television International (globalized) on the social and cultural aspects of Saudi Arabia, were the objectives of this study on the cultural content of the Declaration International in three Arabic channels, and identify the nature of the flow of advertising the international market Saudi Arabia in terms of its objectives and its size in addition to measuring exposure if to announce the international phenomenon of concrete in the advertising media which exposed the Saudi citizen, and by more than ads Aloutnay (56%) compared to (44%), and television is the most important means of the International Declaration on more than just the promotion of certain products foreign, it is a new consumer patterns and different society. 

William and study Les - Changi Chang (2000): The purchasing behavior lesson for the Americans and the Chinese living in North America when they buy cars. This study focused on the cultural differences between Americans and Chinese in North America. The study included all of the Florida and Oklahoma and the Canadian province of Vancouver. I have been using the corresponding direct phone calls to collect data. The study found that both the Americans and the Chinese rely on their expertise in determining which brand they want to buy, and for the search for information before buying, shows the difference between the Americans and the Chinese, Chinese are not doing research and extensive information compared to the Americans, and the trends of the Chinese towards the declaration supportive and positive compared to the Americans, but both the Chinese and the Americans saw that television advertising and especially it an effective marketing tool. Overall, the study concluded that the similarities in consumer purchasing behavior between the Chinese and the Americans were clear. 

- Study Niraj Dawar (1997): This study carried out by Dawar (Professor of International Marketing) at the University of Ontario, Canada, and studied the impact of nationality and culture on marketing, and in studying the Dawar tested two assumptions opposing forces, Valvredah The first is the possibility of using the program catalog to attract the attention of the types of consumers in various around the world, while the second hypothesis is the culture of the country should be taken as a fundamental variable. The study included about 800 people from 39 different countries, the study found that skipping state borders do not necessarily followed by differences in consumer behavior, the borders of the state may be irrelevant to many of the marketing decisions. It is also in all the sample, regardless of the culture of the country, the brand was the strongest influence on purchasing decisions, followed by the price and the physical appearance and reputation of the seller, and presented the study data clearly that individual differences have an effect much stronger on the consumer behavior of cultural influences. 

- Methodology used in the research: 
Include the following: field study: 
سأهتم in this study the practical side and through the collection of data through questionnaires dedicated to the study on a selected sample of consumers and the means used by me (I'm a student) in this study is the questionnaire 

The theoretical study: 
This study aimed to cover the theoretical framework on the subject of research and study related to these concepts through what has been written about marketing and the impact of the advertising. 

The limits and scope of the search: 
1 - limited sample of the research on consumers in the city of Dammam 
2 - confined limits of search products and consumer goods quick turnover easily accessible, as the private goods may not be much affected by the announcement, especially television and a private Local him, and it relies such goods in the process turn-around and sell them on the efforts of personal and intensify sales and presence of goods markets and availability 
3 - the search was limited to television advertising for several reasons: 
- Featuring television advertising potential picture and sound and influence more viewers and consumers, and this effect may extend its influence search becomes a competitor for television which almost is more advertising means influential consumers, and the TV is not subject to those ads constraints faced by the advertising media such as newspapers and magazines 
- Has advertising by television View high for viewers to television stations rate ranging between 53% to 63% and the hours seen in Saudi society is very high. 

Society and the research sample: 
Due to the limited possibilities and lack of time required for such research work in depth and the level of the largest and most in Saudi society, the research has been limited to persons aged 19 years and over in Dammam, and the quality of ads, a consumer product announcements quick turnover easily accessible. 

Sample size: 
The estimated population of Dammam by one million people, according to 2007 Census and the growth rate is 3.6, and I'm going to using proportional stratified sample propionate stratified sampling and based on Chrijesse schedule & Morgan, as the size of a single sample 400. 

Chapter I: Research Methodology 

We used in research methodology and theoretical approach the field, but for the curriculum theory has cared framework theoretical-General of the search has been defined declaration by a large number of writers and institutions and carried those definitions different dimensions, and will be in this part exposure to definitions only serve to put research topic. 

Knew Kotler Philip Kotler Phili the announcement that the appearance of any personal contact is, to display and promote ideas, goods, or services by the well known and at his expense. Jones is known ad John Philip the Jones John Philip fruitful Ad fruitful as he sees the consumer before making the purchase of a brand and affect the process on the consumer's choice for that mark. 

The effects of mind caused by advertising on consumer behavior in nature are cumulative, which helps to enhance the readiness to act, and directing the behavior of consumers towards adopting and buy the product or service advertised, it is very important to know the stages through which the consumer before making a purchase decision, because it reflects the stages mental readiness to accept the advertising message, and an alert and a tendency to buy the product or service advertised or not. 

Efforts have been made great QB researchers to learn and to clarify the way by which the process of showing the consumer to the content of marketing communications, and the model is Strong (strong) of the most important models showing response Consumer Marketing Communications, and suggests this form that the adoption of a consumer to buy and convince him through advertising or personal selling through four stages, namely: attention, interest, desire, and action. 
The message ad affecting must attract consumer attention and raised, and arise in which the desire for the acquisition of goods or services advertised, and then urging him to making a purchase, the consumer usually passes stages of behavior before, during and after your purchase decision, a so-called stages of the purchase or procurement process (Buying process) (Kotler & Armstrong, 2002) and these phases are: feeling the need, and the search for information, and the behavior of trade-offs, and the purchase decision, feeling that after the purchase. 

And announced a key role in guiding the purchasing behavior as the purchasing behavior is the primary goal of advertising, marketing communications, advertising is a mix elements advertising catalog (MCM), and shows the influence of advertising in every stage of the purchasing and procurement processes mentioned earlier, Declaration works in the first phase on raising needs, where you can declare that pays consumers to think about buying products did not think the consumer to buy before, in the second stage provides advertising information about the product, and in the third phase the declaration to identify the characteristics of products that enable known by the consumer was not a phenomenon For him, that he can not recognizing senses naked direct, can also announced in the fourth and final phase influence the buying decision of the consumers (the initiator, and the influential and the buyer, and the user) which represents an indirect impact on the consumer at the stage of making a purchase. 

In the fifth phase thereby acting Declaration television to alleviate the feeling alienated between the consumer and the product that he bought the so-called cognitive dissonance, in case it occurs in order to feel the client or consumer satisfaction with the products and the purchase decision, if the ad showing other properties are not visible or sensible for the consumer, or give the product a moral value supported by the decision of purchase, all generations declaration here is the alleviation of feeling on the same consumer and often resorted announcement to highlight the negative qualities of alternative products and his competition in the market and focus on the positive qualities of the products that the consumer purchased without showing the mark commercial products that attacked the competition. 

And practical framework, we have used statistical analysis of data the study field, and is considered the Declaration one of the areas of applied major marketing research, and requires impact assessment advertising full knowledge of the effects and the results be advertised able to 'Haddatha consumers are standards related to exposure to Advertising recognize advertising and communication advertising is the most standards closely Research the advertising impact on their purchasing behavior. This research is based on an evaluation of consumers Onsfhm the impact of advertising television on their behavior SPV, and despite the fact that this method of measuring the impact of advertising can be a nature cumulative unless it meets Bgdhar research, because it is not interested in assessing ad campaign certain (Labour 1997). Standards and does not rely on the amount of advertising impact is generated by advertising sales, but also extend to what could be caused by the announcement of communication and persuasive raised to the consumer, and it is assumed that in the end lead to co-opt and direct purchasing behavior. The current research is based in assessing the impact of advertising on the following standards: 
- Awareness of the scale. And measures the degree of individual attention to advertise and focus on the ideas presented in the advertising message. 
- The knowledge scale. And measuring the ability of advertising to provide consumers with the necessary information about goods. 
- A measure of attention. And measures the level of consumer interest enshrined in the content of the advertising message, which reflects the extent of the consumer to understand and absorb the Declaration. 
- The desire to scale. It can identify the behavior expected from the consumer side in the direction of his purchase 
- Scale act (behavior). The behavioral response measures clear that has استمالتها from before the announcement. These standards give the combined impact of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior and in every stage of the response of the advertising material. 
The questionnaire has been adopted as a tool to collect research data, a tool used in most of the research announcement. Has passed the form of a questionnaire designed in several stages, until it reached its final form that was used in the field study. 
The process of tabulation and analysis of the data obtained from questionnaires suitable for analysis by converting the metadata to the quantitative data, and it encodes the answers and unloaded manually in the tables you have set up for this, and then entered into a computer program package Statistical Social Sciences (SPSS) and use them Several statistical methods such as frequencies, percentages and averages calculations to make sure there are some relationships and determine the type and severity, if any, between some of the variables. 
Chapter II: Declaration 
- The first topic: the definition of advertising, its characteristics and functions, objectives and scope 
The term declaration could hold key stakeholders. The first meaning of the Declaration includes the meaning concept broadband advertising (which is the overall concept of the ad)., A so-called declaration macro (macro advertising) and refers here to the industry ad entire sector or advertising entire The second meaning contains a declaration as a function of the job or activity of marketing activities any origin. It is in this sense means the means and information to members of the community through the means of communication (which is advertising its partial) sense. 
There are several definitions of the announcement are offering some of which are as follows: 1 - Advertising is the art of definition: According to this definition is determined by the primary purpose of the Declaration in the definition of what is advertised about using art in the practice of advertising design, and other output. 
2 - advertising is persuasive means of communication directed to a large audience and this definition focuses on the main purpose of the Declaration is to convince the public, including to be announced also that advertising is not used to connect to a specific number of individuals but large numbers of which are difficult to contact them personally. 
3 - advertising is the means used to deliver the message realizable. Mention this definition the sales function of the announcement, which represents one Hqiha addition to personal selling, which represents the other side. 
4 - Advertising is a way to connect the mass information for the purpose during the buyers of the commodity advertised and thus maximize profits. 
It is clear from this definition as follows: - 
1 - The declaration is a means of communication with the public. 
2 - The purpose of advertising is to convince the public. 
3 - The ultimate goal of the exercise is to achieve the objectives of the Declaration of the Organization .5 - as well as the announcement was defined as the process of communication aimed at influencing from the seller to the buyer on a personal basis, where disclose the advertiser about his character or which is contacted 
4 - and public means of communication. 
This definition focuses on: - 
1 - that advertising is a means non-personal communication .2 - that the goal of advertising does not shorten the definition but also to persuasion and influence the advertiser to them and urge them to buy the advertised product .6 - The Committee on the definitions of the American Marketing Association knew declaration that (effort is personal which pays them for ideas, goods or services and promoted by a particular person). 
2 - The Declaration also knew also that various aspects of the activity that leads to tighten or broadcast advertising messages or audio-visual to the public for the purpose of urging him to purchase goods or services or the acceptance of good ideas about people and facilities as advertised. 
4 - I have known the British Association for the announcement as a means for the definition of a commodity or service for the purpose of sale or purchase. 
5 - The Society presented practitioners announcement of the British Association for the advertising agencies definition of another, namely: "Advertising is the message realizable most convincing or targeted to the client most likely either the product or service at a cost of at least." 6 - and through all tariffs previous exposure declaration, we here know Declaration of researchers view as follows: - 
That advertising is a way for the definition of a commodity or service for the purpose of selling or purchasing or idea or opinion for the purpose of gaining acceptance and support for the product or service to be marketed. - Properties Announcement: - 
Evidenced by the display the previous tariff main characteristics of the Declaration and which are as follows: - 
1 - The Declaration and the way non-personal communication audiences large and not a particular individual as it is in personal selling when you use the salesmen in the promotion of the product 2 - The declaration may be for a good or service or idea or origin or a specific person .3 - that the purpose of the Declaration is the definition of declared him بالشئ Multi advertising and attract his attention and persuade him to do and try to influence the trends toward him and then his behavior resulting from this trend. 
3 - Declaration contains the advertiser pay for executing hand to declare any paid it. 
4 - The stated figure should appear in the ad. - The objectives of the Declaration: - 
Since the modern concept of marketing focused on achieving satisfy consumer desires and satisfaction rather than on making a profit, the access to the policy of ad sound and clear more than just the desire to maximize profit or maximize sales. Were being achieved profit-maximizing sales less with the economies of the best in the market wide vehicle may increase the total sales for the total producers in the time which the organization aims to maintain its market share. The increasing market share of the organization to the degree you earn a monopolistic situation and ad here take another goal is to maintain the purchasing habits of consumers. 
From the above it appears that we have four objectives of the Declaration: -1 - the goal of maximizing sales. 
2 - the goal of profit maximization. 
3 - the goal of maintaining the health market, both for the purpose of maintaining the volume of production in the organization at its appropriate level or maintain market share or prevent the entry of new competitors. 
4 - the goal of opening new markets both sell to new segments in the market or to enter into new productive areas or for export. 
- Jobs advertising: - 
- Most writers agree that the Declaration and specific functions are as follows: -1 - attract the attention of the recipient. 
2 - aroused the attention of the recipient. 
3 - the creation or development of the desire of the receiver towards local Item advertised 4 - to persuade the recipient to buy the advertised item or service or accept the ideas contained in the Declaration. 
5 - instruct the recipient to a place that he can buy Item him, service Astenda, or direct to the Gathering of certain actions. 
There are other cases used the Declaration to achieve other purposes, such as: 1 - that the declaration part of a campaign of public relations aimed at developing better information about the organization and its activities and achieve greater acceptance in society .2 - be advertising in order to disseminate information, for example, if the government was in the process of issuing new legislation or to take certain actions aimed at informing citizens. 

And types of advertising will be explained in detail as follows: - 
1 - Geographical scope: advertising and divided according to geographical scope covered by the advertising message to a regional Declaration and national and international declaration. 
Regional Declaration: - that covers a limited geographical area or part of the city depends on the use of local advertisements. 
International Declaration: - Is that covers more than one country and used in the export and direct to consumers in different countries and depends on the means sought declarations different in these countries. Declaration National: - that covers the state as a whole depends on the use of public means for the dissemination of advertising such as newspapers and national radio stations and TV channels which covers the international sent as a whole. 
2 - Type directed his public declaration 
Divided declaration according to the type of audience directed his declaration to declare a consumer particular consumer and a special declaration by the buyer of industrial and special declaration brokers. - Advertising consumer: - is advertised to the final consumer for particular good or service for tariff characteristics and advantages and urged him to buy and use. - A special declaration buyer industrial: - a declaration addressed to industrial buyers to find information about products and policies of the organization and urged them to act in a certain way. 
- A declaration of mediators: - a declaration addressed to the middlemen or distributors or agents to communicate information about the products and the organization's policies and urged them to deal in products of the organization. 
3 - motives that declaration aims to raise: - divided Declaration by motives to a special announcement to raise the initial motives and a special declaration to raise motivation secondary and special declaration raise motives handle. - Declaration of the primary motivations: - is aimed at urging consumers to purchase and use of a particular product apart from different brands before him. - Announcement motives secondary: - is aimed at urging consumers to buy a particular brand without the other. 
- A declaration of fomenting motivated deal: - Is that aims to publicize the organization and the formation of positive trends towards it, prompting others to deal with and loyalty to her and their products. 4 goal of advertising: advertising and divided according to target him to declare an educational and heuristic Declaration and competitive and Reminder. 
- Advertising Tutorial: - that aims to define the final consumer or buyer industrial product and its properties and methods of use, maintenance and areas of use. - Advertising Guidelines: - Is that aims to define the final consumer or buyer industrial places that sold the commodity and selling prices. - Advertising competitive: - that aims to highlight the characteristics Item for goods competition induce final consumer or buyer of the industrial preference for other goods and to prefer dealing with a shop given without stores competition. - Advertising reminder: - is designed to remind the final consumer or buyer industrial commodity characteristics and advantages competition for goods and places of sale and methods of use .... etc.. 
The different methods used in advertising to ads means print and advertising means broadcast ads visual aids and audio. Ads print, are those that are published in newspapers / magazines / banners and posters / catalogs and brochures / advertisements mailed. Ads means audio-represented in ads radio / advertising vehicles using loudspeakers. 
Ads visual aids and audio-represented in TV commercials / ads film / video ads.

- The second topic: the early stages of the product advertising 
Passing the product, whether goods or service through three stages Billboards featuring each with specific properties and associated life cycle or marketing stages through which this product has identified this ad stages are as follows: - 
1 - stage Alarataad of any stage of the product to enter the market for the first time and the goal of advertising is concentrated in creating demand for the product, by emphasizing what can Ichbah of the needs of the consumers. 
2 - stage of the competition a stage at which it enters the product competition marketing with a group of similar products competition, which achieve the same gratification and concentrated target advertising in focus and emphasis on the aspects of excellence and monopoly in the product compared to other 3 - stage to recall and retain the goodwill and prestige marketing reached by Product a phase up to the product after it achieves a passing grade marginal in terms of knowledge of consumers it and demand it aims announcement at this stage to keep the prestige competitiveness and fame achieved by the product and increase its share of the market. There are several things must be taken into account, namely: - 
A - no limits comma between each other stage because they interfere with each other in the field of scientific application. 
B - it is possible to go through some phases products at the same time which is controlled by the degree to which consumers perceived the product and its benefits and how إشباعه to their needs and competitive strength in the market. 
C - does not mean access to the stage to recall the end of advertising efforts but also pave the way for the start of a new role for the same stages of the project in order to increase the share of the market. - The third topic: the advantages and disadvantages of television advertising 
There is no doubt, be a source of strength is lies in the fact that a text visible open on languages ​​as a whole, and it is rich as far as allowing readings multiple .. The occupation's energy visual paved the way to penetrate the imagination year, and thus busy mental, down to the dominance of المخبوء awareness, ie crossing the message المندسة in 's to the subconscious box, including making the picture a secret mission beyond sight to insight .. Vanhlal limits is referred to pump knowledge overcrowded package semantics, and gestures, and expressions that do not belong to a mere dimension of aesthetic ones, there is a message that is not visible leaks outside the official boundaries of the image, contribute to having a constellation conceptual reflected on the overall المناشط cultural and cognitive responsibility for making awareness. Semantic Valmkhozon of the image makes it a high-impact communication tool emotional and cognitive development, but to refer it to broker an extended talk show, updated abundant in meanings and connotations and a heavy presence in the cultural landscape and everyday knowledge. 

Image, and unlike other means of cultural communication, dropped the age factor, they are to understand and read albeit at varying levels, from all age groups, child or young or manhood, it affects them all to varying degrees. There is no doubt that the image of Mohammed al-Dura, a martyr falls in the lap of his father, the letter was understood by all age levels, and was enough to change the course of the Palestinian struggle, and the bombing of public outrage across the Arab and Islamic .. And the image of the barge which explode Israeli missile from the Lebanese resistance near the shores of Beirut could alter the course of the war, and the psychological situation in the Arab street. And the image of the Qana massacre was enough to cause cracking in the international alliance with the Jewish state in its aggression against Lebanon in July August 2006. The same is measured on the products and its image among consumers. 

Predictor of the foregoing that's become persuasive power activist, have been strengthened, to a greater extent, to be associated with sound for a meal incomplete information elements. Valtguenih did not make the modern image omnipresent, but also turned the concepts, it has become anyone could live in the shadow of the communication revolution that يغنم batches of images with related art forms and cultural complex and expressive. Long been replaced by the routine for drawing and coloring the triumph of the camera that has captured, for example, the representation of fashion completely. And serial novel, which was originally dying in the interwar period lose their place in the era of television series that displays on the screen. And film resolution, which allowed the field is much greater for individual creative talent after the collapse of the production of the studio system in Hollywood, with the cinema audience directed towards houses to watch TV and video then ... [3] 
No doubt, and fairer to say, that's helped to facilitate the absorption of students for complex scientific theories, and that the presence of the image in applied and theoretical sciences, medical and engineering and even the humanities helped make scientific material easy to digest mentally. Has occupied an important place in the curriculum of school education, at the expense of the written text space, which is dependent on the aid provided is complete and function of education. Analyzes Eric Hobsbawm so as text (it is read books for serious, except professional purposes, educational or purposes other similar, they were very few. Though the educational revolution has increased the numbers in absolute terms, the readability fell in States with comprehensive education theory, where the printing stopped to be the main gateway to the world beyond the contact between the mouth and ear. In the wake of the fifties is no longer even children educated classes in the rich world of the West accept voluntarily to read as their fathers had done) [4]. 
Enjoy TV advertising as a way to combine sound and picture together, which increases the chances of attracting the attention of viewers to advertise and find some kind of direct contact between them and the advertiser and increase the likelihood influenced by advertising. It also has advertising as a means to spread as the TV is available in most households which represents the way the fans and then the possibility of their largest possible audience for the ad. The other advantage that as multiple advertising which means television programs to suit different interests of the masses more than a chance to see the masses of the TV and then the possibility of direct advertising message to the target audience when radio program that attracts attention. 
It also has the advantage as advertising that has the ability to attract the attention of viewers, because the vast majority of viewers find joy in watching TV and pay attention to the displays. 
And maligned on the use of television advertising as a means: 
By image, it is possible to use all the senses (smell, hearing, sight and touch) .. It's dropped the neutral role of the recipient, and hoped it another task to become interactive, it no longer is a recording of the moment visible somewhere, exceeding its technical function and entered in the drafting process of mind and the game of truth and falsity. The picture and are able to highlight the product, but also valid for use in order to hide many facts, while practiced really Ddia. As long as the most important part of the picture is delivered, they, Western كمنجز because of advanced technology and long experience, intervention in the game, stereotyping and profiling modeling in its media, political, cultural and economic development. If the bet on the systems of economic transformation without انكسارها under a barrage images flowing and the media in general, namely, any of those systems that provide us with immunity vulnerability of harmful products harmful, about the human sources of nature's most useful to him, the concerns of recent focus either on strengthening those of economic or Tvskhiha systems, given the sources and producers and affiliations, including making advertising acceptable or outcast. 

To visualize the misleading nature of the image, ritual remember what Edward Said calls (religions TV), but from a different angle, where the image intervene during the presidential campaigns in guiding public awareness of, verbal complicity of the U.S. presidential contenders. In the corresponding Kennedy and Nixon in the 1960 presidential election, which was won by Kennedy because before you place your make-up cameras during the meeting, appeared to viewers in the form of a decent, while rejecting Nixon, traditional, such as those new fads, seemed pale [5]. 

Bourdais argues in his book (the war's) brilliantly employment overheating of the image in order to sell products, where spin raging war between the contestants has the ability to impose the reality that he wants and deprive the opponent of participation or alter this fact, the default necessarily. No wonder, then, when the starting sources is a central goal in the agenda of the wars between competing companies. The belief that the control of the image is the first step to resolve the battle between the companies. 

These examples demonstrate that there is actively seeking to prevent really able to do image editing from the families of her captors, and that the war's dropped the principle of neutrality. This does not mean, necessarily, that the essential feature of neutrality image, things Vtgerad disrupts the possibility of interpretation and understanding. We recognize, ipso facto, that linked picture بالمقدس the manufactured Mkhiala Mendgma in the Bible. Has been associated with the products when presented also to the products of Christian, Muslim or other, boosting its position to the viewer. 

The argument Let's talk, express themselves, replace the words the words of a particular kind, in order to transform the viewer to مستنطق of the image, a participant in the dialogue silent delegate image viewed by the task expressed with words, has become an old argument and utopianism, the picture is heavily involved in guiding ideas to be delivered via the direct sensory relationship. 
Can claim, that the images flowing, uninterrupted, practiced another kind of dictatorship, where there is an opportunity for the recipient to think independently outside the area of ​​validity of the picture, including construed to deny the fact, and stay in his place. Has launched a French thinker Jean Baudrillard on the Second Gulf War (19,901,991) as a television, while مانول considered كاستي that what the public witnessed in that war is the imagined reality imposed by communication technology, where it mixes fact with reality factory Soria, from stage setting up to the military review television. 
The picture has become midwife to help viewers that يلدوا of their own thoughts, matched with vision الثاوية in the picture. 

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