الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2015



نتيجة بحث الصور عن الأكزيما

التهاب الجلد التأتبي الناجمة عن عوامل داخلية أو خارجية يظهر احمرار وحكة، ودعا ربات البيوت الأكزيما هذا الاسم لأنه هو نتيجة من المواد المستخدمة في التنظيف، وغالبا ما يكون "ما تتعرض ربات البيوت تسبب الأكزيما لهم ويزيد من تهيج الجلد عند التعرض لهذه المواد هو: تظهر غسل اليدين بشكل متكرر بالماء وتجفيفها، مما يزيد من جفاف الجلد والأكزيما جافة ومشققة احمرار الجلد والحكة ويمكن أن تسبب الجروح مؤلمة من الجلد وفي الحالات المزمنة تتحول إلى أن تكون مقترنة وخشونة الجلد وسمك وغضب الجلد في مظهرهم.
"الوقاية خير من العلاج Alglaj"
فهم السيدة أسباب المشكلة وأهمية الامتناع عن الاتصال مع هذه المواد للشفاء من المشكلة هو أهم خطوة للعلاج والامتناع عن لمس لا عدم استخدامها، ولكن لارتداء القفازات المنزلية اصطف مع القطن أو من الخشب الطبيعي الجلود والمطاط لا يجري تسبب الأكزيما نفسها واستخدام المرطبات والعطور الخالية من الكحول المعتادة واستخدام الكريمات التي تحتوي على الكورتيزون العلاج تحت إشراف الطبيب.

Cirrhosis of the skin

Skin fibrosis or scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease, the disease leads to cirrhosis of the skin, due to the death of skin cells and turned into a fiber-like materials. And also lead to make parts of the solid surface of the skin, so it is also called scleroderma. And affects the blood vessels and internal parts of the body, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and others. This disease may be fatal in some cases.
There are kinds of disease, cirrhosis of the skin, including cirrhosis of the limited skin and affect the hands, arms and face, also called CREST syndrome. The second type of scleroderma, is Systemic scleroderma diffuse, and in this type disease progresses to affect a large area of ​​the skin, and also affects some internal parts, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, esophagus, and this type of scleroderma is very dangerous, and may be fatal. And there are also other types of systemic sclerosis, but it does not affect the skin, but also affect the internal parts of the body. And other types affect only the skin, without affecting the internal parts, such as morphea or skin blemishes disease, hardening of the linear skin.
Not yet know the cause of skin disease, cirrhosis (hardening), but it is one of the genetic diseases. It was not immediately genes responsible for the disease known. The disease directly affects the capillaries minute, where he works on the death of endothelial cells of capillaries. This disease also affects the smooth cells, and works on apoptosis of cells, and replaced these dead cells textured collagen and other fibrous materials.

Appears on the skin of a person with a solid and smooth parts and ivory color, and these parts to make skin dry. To date, there is no specific cure for cirrhosis of the skin; because of lack of knowledge of the real reason behind this disease, but the available treatments are treating complications of the disease. It also depends on the treatment, the patient's condition, for example, deals with people who suffer from Raynaud's phenomenon, drugs help blood flow to the fingers, such as the drug nifedipine, or felodipine, or diltiazem. Because cirrhosis skin disease autoimmune disease, so doctors inhibitory drugs used for immunity to treat the disease. Physicians number of drugs has been used for the treatment of cirrhosis of the skin, including Dipansalamin and PUFA and colchicine, The results showed varying degrees of success.

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