الثلاثاء، 17 فبراير 2015

Choose the appropriate bag

Choose the appropriate bag

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We have the specialists who are interested in fashion and elegance of women and fashion world that every woman's wardrobe should always contain several basic bags, and we'll talk about in this article, these bags in detail.

Women Bags
The stylish black bag
The black of the most important portfolios, which should be available in the women's locker bag, preferably a size medium, and multiple suggestions and options on that bag; where it can be a series, such as those to be the model Dior and Chanel, or carry bag in hand and you should be doing coordinated with the official views of the classic clothing, bag or postman and it featured a few pricey.

With bright color bag
This bag is used in spring and summer; where he managed this bag women from getting on the banner and strong and unique views without making any slightest effort; Valhakaúb which the color yellow or green or red or Kochi or orange is one of the elements of elegance lethal and which draws easily view, but is required to get the most simple and free of complications wear ordinary clothes-free gloss elegance, there is nothing wrong to wear simple accessories, and put a light make-up.

Huge bag similar to the color of the skin
This bag is close to the skin color of the skin, and a substantial or square shape, and the average skin thickness, and what distinguishes this bag is easy to wear every day and several places, whether it be in the market or to work or university. Care must be taken that this bag will be priced in the medium and medium-priced brand, and the fact that it susceptible to damage because of their color and frequent use.

Very traditional bag
A bag bearing the trademark or famous and well-known brand.

Light canvas bag
This bag is very practical, and we could use it on several occasions.

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