الأحد، 15 فبراير 2015

How do I get the smell of body refreshing

How do I get the smell of body refreshing

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Access to smell body refreshing and beautiful of the most beautiful things that make us feel comfortable and self-confidence, recovery and freedom, where difficult for us to maintain the smell wonderful body as if we had we went off of the bathtub, and there are many people who suffer from the problem of the smell of flesh and disturbing speed shift smell beautiful body after body in the cleaning bath to irritating odor, but what are the smell of the body and how we can keep them fresh and beautiful Nbaka the status of a permanent recovery.

The beautiful smell of the body or regular shift to smelly be the result of increased sweating in the body, usually the reason is the decomposition of sweat through the types of bacteria that are present on the outer surface of the skin, often be a with a pungent smell in the most times compounds, especially in the underarm area or in an area between the thighs, and to avoid this smell we have to do the following things regularly and consistently:
Bathing regularly twice a week at least
Wash armpits daily soap or antibacterial cleaners in order to eliminate odor-causing bacteria nagging underarms
Use abrasives sweating and perfume scented sprays of medical preparations that prevent sweating as much as possible, but must pay attention to count the use of abrasives sweating without washing armpits first as the use of abrasives sweating over the smell of sweat and germs and Bakteraya will lead to the emergence of stench and very disturbing from under the armpit, so care must be taken cleanliness in the beginning and the end and make perfume smell complementary to smell left by material Altnzifah soap
Shower after sweating as well as after exercise.
Wearing cotton clothes and avoid sitting in the extremely hot places.
Avoid eating foods that help the secretion of sweat and cuisine for which there is a window like the smell of garlic and curry, onions, peppers and some pickles.
Avoid constant worry, as the person who was concerned shall burn calories and therefore greater secretion of sweat and secretions annoying amount in the body, unlike the feeling of relaxation that keeps the body condition clears hand secretions and behavior.

Maintain shaving underarm hair and genital areas, and because the presence of hair in the armpit area between the thighs and help the growth of a large number of bacteria and sweat it exists and can in some cases, laser hair removal.

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